Page 4 of The Mechanic

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“I figured. I’m gonna give you a minute to gather yourself.”

And thank goodness he does because I need to verify his claims. He may be handsome—so handsome he puts all those Hollywood hotties to shame—but so are several criminals. Just because he’s good-looking doesn’t mean he’s not capable of hurting me.

Without taking my eyes off him, I reach for my phone in my back pocket and glance at a couple of messages.

Keith. That bastard. I am so going to rip him to shreds and dance on his grave.

With a groan, I close my eyes and grit my teeth. “I’m gonna kill him.”

The guy crosses his arms over his broad chest, and I try to ignore how sexy his forearm looks. I never thought I was the type to drool over forearms, but here I am. “Not if I get to him first.”

Huh. “Why’s that?”

“Because he put you in danger by not picking you up and letting you travel alone…in THAT.”

He wrinkles his nose and pinches his lips shut, looking so disgusted at my car, I can’t help but laugh. This day has been so long, I have no idea if I’m losing it. In front of a stranger no less.

The side of his mouth curls up like he’s resisting the urge to smile. “I’m gonna take a look at that first thing in the morning.”

“You’re a mechanic?”

He nods. “The only one in town.”

“Huh. Okay.”

“I’ll give you a ride to Keith’s place and come back tomorrow for that.”

“Okay, give me a sec.”

I rush to my car, pick up my pink duffle bag and brown leather tote, and quickly sweep my eyes across the seats. The only things left are my Starbucks and convenience store receipts, two disposable coffee cups, half-finished Lays, and empty paper bags.

Okay, I’m good to go.

Slipping into his passenger seat, I’m greeted by the scent of fine leather and something woodsy. The plush seat feels so good I almost moan embarrassingly. My back and butt hurt from my five-hour travel, and now I just feel like sinking into the seat and dozing off.

This vehicle is clearly worth a hundred times more than my car. Do mechanics in small towns make that much? Maybe. Or maybe he does modeling on the side. I won’t be surprised. Someone as hot as him can easily outshine those guys on billboards.

He slides into the driver’s seat and starts the engine, the truck roaring to life and gliding forward. Yes, gliding because the ride is so freaking smooth, I have to fight my sleep.

“Why’d you travel so late?” His voice startles me, and I just realize it’s a deep baritone that makes tiny hairs stand on my arms. Soothing, seductive, sexy.

“Uh, I had to take care of stuff, and I didn’t realize it was past 7.”

“You shouldn’t travel alone and so late.”

“I know, but I didn’t have a choice.”

“You here for vacation?”

“Nope. I’ll be staying…indefinitely.”

“You don’t sound too excited.” He throws me a lopsided grin, and I’m momentarily rendered speechless. That simple expression changes his whole face. He just went from hot to panty-dropping gorgeous.

Something flutters in my belly, and my mouth is suddenly dry. Is it too hot here? The air conditioner is working, so why does my skin feel feverish? “Yeah, well. Keith’s not exactly a fun housemate.”

He chuckles, the sound making my core clench. “Tell me about it. He’s insufferable as a friend. I can only imagine what it’s like living with him.”

Nora, you’re staring at him. You need to look away and try not to make yourself too obvious.
