Page 136 of Forbidden Protector

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Anger begins to simmer just beneath the surface of my skin.

I’ve been a fool.

I trusted Eda Romero and, in doing so, walked right into her trap.

The sickening realization of my own naivety gnaws at me.

Eda’s sickly sweet smile only ever masked her venom beneath, manipulating me with the promise of love and family and protection, only to shove it all back in my face.

I was just a game for her.

What hurts the most is that, even if it was only for a moment, I thought she might have been the answer to the hole inside of me. The one that craves to know more about my past, to finally feel complete in my knowledge.

Was anything she told me true?

Or am I cursed to live my past through the sadness of other people’s eyes?

I’m not sure how long I lie there, staring at the beams of light as they move across my cell. Ignoring the way my stomach growls in hunger or how parched my lips feel.

Finally, something happens.

I hear the footsteps first, making their way down the corridor outside. I brace myself, knowing that Eda’s presence means a torrent of empty words and veiled threats.

The sound of a heavy door creaks open, and there she stands, her expression a portrait of concern. Everything about her makes me feel sick.

“Roisin, dear, are you all right?” Eda’s voice is smooth and honeyed, enough to rot my teeth.

“Do I look all right?” I spit back.

Her lips curl into a sympathetic smile as she approaches, feigning a motherly concern that had once drawn me in.

“Is there anything you need? Food, a change of clothes, perhaps? You look absolutely freezing! Let me get you a blanket.”

I sit up in my cot, ignoring the blood that rushes to my head. “I don’t want anything from you.”

“Come now, Roisin, darling,” Eda coos. “Don’t be like that. I’m trying to help you.”

“By throwing me into a cell?!”

“By keeping you safe,mi hija,”Eda shoots back. “What happened in that dreadful nightclub was far too dangerous.”

I wish I had something to throw at her. “Will you give it a rest, you old hag? This isn’t protection. It’s captivity.”

She studies me with a cold, calculating gaze. “You would do well to remember your place, Roisin. You are in no position to talk to me like that.” Her voice sings in a chilling contrast to the threat of her words.

It only fuels my determination. “Like what? Like you’re a cold, manipulating bitch with bad eyeliner? You can drop the act now, you know. I can see how much pretending to like me is exhausting you.”

Despite my words, my breaking heart begs her to deny it. To reassure me that I am wanted, that people do care. That I’m not just some stupid little girl who’s just stumbling her way through wonderland.

Eda’s cruel laugh destroys any remaining seed of hope.

“It took you long enough, darling.” Eda leers at me. “Did your memories finally come back? Or did you pathetic little brain finally put two and two together?”

I bite the inside of my cheek. “What do you want from me?”

“What I always want, darling…” Eda begins to pace in front of the cell at her leisure. “The power you can give me.”

“I’m not going to give you anything,” I hissed at her.

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