Page 69 of Square to the Puck

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“Did we?”

“You shouldn’t have used Simmons to replace Tony.” Troy, out of Morgan’s eyeline, mouthsTony?at me. “He’s weak with his glove; shitty puck control.”

I can feel my lips twitch and have to fight the smile. This must be themouthy little shitLawson was telling me about. “Well, no single player wins or loses games. Simmons played well during the series; it wasn’t his fault we lost.”

Morgan opens his mouth to respond but is interrupted by the arrival of Nico Mackenzie. He snaps his jaw closed so fast, there is an audible click. Lawson follows behind Mackenzie, scowling daggers into his back.

“Aren’t you supposed to be resting?” Mackenzie asks his goalie. “Or maybe you don’t need a break. I’m sure we can come up with a drill for you to complete while your teammates re-hydrate.”

Morgan is already skating off toward the bench, chastised. He looks over his shoulder at us once more, before sitting on the end of the bench, several feet away from his nearest teammate. Scowling, he looks down, eyes between his skates.

Shaking his head, Mackenzie rubs a hand over his head. “That boy gives me nothing but trouble.”

“He’s not that bad.” Lawson says, angrily. Troy’s eyes light up as he grins in delight.Here we go again. “Give me the summer to work with him, and you’ll have your starting netminder.”

Ignoring him, Mackenzie turns toward Troy and calls for the wingers to come back to the ice. They skate off to set up a drill; I wait back with Lawson, who looks apoplectic with rage.

“So, things are going well here.” I note, dryly.

“See what I mean? That guy is the fucking worst.” He shakes his head, glancing back at Carter Morgan before meeting my eyes. “And that kid really isn’t that bad. He’s better when you get him away from other people and work with him one-on-one.”

“Which happens a lot in a team sport.”

He sighs expansively. “Like I said, I just need the summer with him. He’s got a lot of talent. It’s his attitude that needs work. Him and someone else.” This last is added under his breath, with a pointed look at Nico Mackenzie.

Later, as practice comes to an end, Mackenzie gives the team time to take photos with Troy and I, some of them pulling paraphernalia out of their bags for us to sign. Carter Morgan approaches us last, still scowling. We take a picture with him and he mutters an unconvincingthank youunder his breath before turning around and following his team back to the locker rooms.

“You played well, today.” I call after him. He turns, frowning suspiciously. “Ask Lawson to show you how to do the tennis ball drill sometime. It’s good for speed work.”

“Okay. Thanks.” He says, slowly, like he’s wondering if I’m playing a trick on him. Half-turning, he stops and looks back at Troy and I. “Are you guys coming back? To help at practice?”

“If your coach asks us to.” Troy nods, smiling.

“Alright.” He says, as though he really means to sayI’ll believe it when I see it.This time he doesn’t turn back when he walks off, trekking toward the locker room alone. None of his teammates waited for him.

“Huh.” Troy muses, hands on his hips as he watches Morgan until he’s out of sight. I nod in agreement;huhsums him up perfectly.

We wait at the bench while Mackenzie and Lawson put away the gear. Checking the time on my phone, I see a text from Nigel and grin. I’m ready to go home.

“Thanks for sticking around.” Lawson says, skating up and dropping down onto the bench to remove his skates. “You guys want to grab dinner?”

“No, Sam and I are going to work on wedd—” Troy stops, suddenly, as Mackenzie joins us. Flushing a dark crimson, he adjusts course. “I have plans.”

“I think I’m going to head home as well.”Nigel is waiting for me.Lawson winks at me, correctly guessing the rest of my sentence.

“No worries. Looks like it’s just you and me, Nico.” Lawson tells Mackenzie. Troy, who had started to put his foot up on the bench, misses completely and stumbles forward. I catch his shoulder, steadying him. Lawson nods in the direction of the exit, picking up his skates. “Parking lot’s this way.”

“Yes, Anthony, I’m aware of the location of the parking lot, thank you.” Mackenzie rolls his eyes so far back in his head, they’re liable to get stuck.

Lawson strides off, a scowling Mackenzie a step behind him. I have the sudden urge to laugh, watching them. They’re more than an arm’s length away from one another, even though they’re clearly walking together. Troy, having finally managed to get his foot on the bench, is leaning forward with an elbow on his knee.

“Holy shit.” He breathes, looking at me with wide eyes. “Anthony? Nico?Do you think they’re…”

Trailing off, Troy moves his hands together in a way that he must think conveys fucking. Trying not to laugh, I send a quick text to Nigel, letting him know I’m on my way home. We start walking toward the lot. Across the way, I note that Lawson and Mackenzie are getting into the same vehicle.

“Time for another family barbeque, I’d say.”And time to interrogate Lawson about his new friend, Nico.
