Page 78 of My Noble Disgrace

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“I would be if not for you.”

“Why are you so concerned about what I do?”

He raised an eyebrow and went quieter but no less angry. “I will tell everyone what I saw with Sir Pearce tonight if you don’t get in that carriage now.”

“You wouldn’t,” I whispered, though I didn’t know if that was true.

Graham tilted his head, whatever supposed affection I’d seen in his eyes earlier now gone. “You don’t know me.”

His words chilled me, though I tried not to reveal it. I was beginning to wonder if this was all part of some trap Graham had laid for me. Maybeeverythingup to this point had been a ruse. A betrayal. Revenge for what I’d done to him.

“Come on,” I said to Cait and Lachlan, stepping away from Graham, planning to head into the avenue to my own home instead. “I’m not going.”

Graham grabbed me by the upper arm, stopping me in my tracks.

I glared at his hand on my arm. “Let go.”

He pulled me close, his ear against his mouth. “I told you I’m not letting you out of my sight. Get into this carriagenowif you want to see your father.”

I pulled in a sharp breath. “What?”

“Shh,” he said. “I wasn’t supposed to tell you, but since you refuse to listen to me, I have no choice.”

“The papers say he’s in prison.”

“I know,” said Graham. “They printed exactly what Ruskin told them to.”

“And is this what he toldyouto say?” I asked. I didn’t believe Cael would let me go to my father considering my failed assassination attempt, but I couldn’t explain that to Graham. “You’ve been denouncing my father. Why help us now? Is this a trap?”

Graham’s mouth fell open. “Really? After all I’ve done?”

“You just told me I don’t know you,” I said. “What am I supposed to?—”

A groan came from the driver in the seat of the carriage. “I can’t wait here all night for your lovers’ drama to unfold! I have orders to follow!”

My face grew hot. If there was any chance Graham was right, I had to go. “Fine. Let me just say goodbye first.”

I went to Cait. “It’s about my father. I’m sorry. I can’t bring you, but I swear I’ll keep trying to help you find a way to the arsenal—and to freedom.”

“Really?” Her face lit up. “You’ll help me?”

“I’ll try,” I said, “but promise me you won’t make plans without talking to me first. No more surprises.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d understand,” she said.

“I do now,” I assured her. “I don’t like what you did tonight, but it was better than what I almost did. I can’t really blame you, can I?”

“It wasn’t just about finding the arsenal. I wanted to stop you from adding another weight to your conscience. I didn’t want you to punish yourself for hurting someone again.”

I smiled. “Thank you, Cait.” I glanced back at the waiting carriage, the driver tapping her foot with impatience. “Cael won’t be happy about my failure tonight, but I don’t regret it.”

“It wasn’t a failure,” said Cait, hugging me back. “We need Pearce alive, and we were so close to getting him to talk once you contacted Dominic. We can try again. His knowledge is our best shot at freedom.”

“Take this.” I reached for the gold key in the bottom of my clutch, handing it to her. “My house should keep you safe. Just keep your radio on.”

I stepped forward and hugged her, not expecting anything in return, but she hugged me back hard and I thought I heard the sniff of repressed tears.

I turned and went for the carriage as she and Lachlan started down the street. I still wasn’t convinced Graham was right about my father, especially with Cael involved. Even if he believed he was telling the truth, it was no guarantee. Cael knew exactly how to manipulate me. I could easily be falling into his trap.
