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It takes Clark a second, but the penny finally drops. “Paige as in Paige DeLisle?”

“Yes,” I answer simply.

He is silent for a moment then says, “Give me the full story.”

I line up my shot and take it. My ball soars through the air and lands in the pond. Of course.

I shake my head then turn back to Clark. “Ever since we met there has been this charge between us. At first, I thought it was one-sided, but it didn’t take long before she started to let on that she felt the same.”

“Okay. Is that all? A charge?”

“No…” I attack the grass with my shoe again.

“What? You want me to beg you?”

“Well, we kissed once, and then a few days later we had sex in her office.”

“Holy shit!” Clark shakes his head in confusion. “I don’t understand. I thought you couldn’t stand each other?”

“I guess it’s not that we can’t stand each other. It’s that we challenge each other. As it would turn out, we both happen to find that arousing.”

“So where are the both of you now?”

“After we slept together we both agreed it was not the smartest decision we’d ever made. We decided that it wouldn’t happen again.”

“Well, at least the two of you came to your senses in the end, because anything between you would be a bad idea.”

“You think so?”

“What? Did you think I was going to encourage this?”

“Well, you’re the one who’s always encouraging me to go out and find the next Mrs. Caldwell.”

“Yeah,go outand find Mrs. Caldwell. Not look for her in one of your companies. She is an employee. Do I have to explain to you how horribly that could end for you?”

“She isn’t like that.”

“And how the hell do you know that? You’ve known this woman for what, two, three months? Also, even if you did know her better, if things don’t end with a happily ever after between the both of you, people have been known to act spitefully in the midst of heartbreak. Can you be sure that she isn’t vindictive enough to cry sexual harassment if you hurt her? You are her superior. You shouldn’t even be entertaining this.”

“Listen, I feel like you’re putting the cart before the horse. We’re not talking about a relationship here. I’m still at the point where I’m trying to figure out exactly how I feel and what that means. If it ever comes to a relationship I am covered because we would report it to HR and do everything on the up and up.”

“Okay but do you want to get a reputation as the guy who dates his employees?”

“Clark, I’m 51. I’ve never dated an employee in my entire career. If I happen to do so now, I doubt that would be a problem.”

“Well, what about the age difference? Like you just said, you are 51 and she’s in her 20s. You are at different stages of life. What can you possiblyhave in common?”

“First of all, Paige isn’t in her 20s. She’s 29 and will be 30 in a couple of months.

“That is a distinction without a difference.”

I wave him off. “Also, she is wise beyond her years.”

“I don’t know… Even if she is a mature 29, it’s still not an age-appropriate relationship. I mean, you’re old enough to be her father, for God’s sake.”

“Yes, but I am not actually her father.”

Clark sighs. “Listen, I know you’re going to do whatever you want at the end of the day, because you are you, but I just think it’s a lot of stress that can be avoided.”
