Page 18 of Strictly Business

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I try to digest this information, a mix of confusion and disbelief swirling inside me. "I...I don't even know what to say."

"Just think about it, Genny," Talon says, finishing his beer.

I lower my gaze, stunned by Talon's insights over the past decade and week. My words come out slowly, cautiously. "I'm not saying any of that's true, but even if it is, me being with's not an option."

"Why not?" Talon probes, curiosity lacing his voice.

I start ticking off reasons on my fingers. "Firstly, your mom hired me after overhearing a conversation about me, possibly as part of some rivalry with Reece—which is just weird. What would it look like if I started a relationship with him now? He's not only my boss; he's the boss of my boss. And then, there's your mom's apparent dislike for her sons datingthe help. It's almost as if she hired me to keep meawayfrom Reece and put me on this Bachelor assignment to sideline any potential interest inanyof her sons. It feels like she's saying, 'Hands off, bitch, keep away from my offspring!'"

Talon chokes on his beer, trying to stifle a laugh. "Okay, I've never thought of it like that, but you're not wrong. It does give that vibe."

I shake my head, not finding humor in the situation. "It's far from funny, Tal. Look at Robyn. She was shipped abroad for a year to keep her away from Knox. And now, she's terrified of being exiled to Siberia or someplace because of this Bachelor series. What if your mom gets a hint that Reece might be interested in me?"

He snorts, "Then he'll end up being 'Mr. February,' and you'll write about it from Antarctica."

I can't help but throw a fortune cookie at him. "Just keep this conversation between us, okay? And ease up on teasing Knox and Robyn. They're already under enough pressure. You wouldn't want someone meddling in your relationship with Kiri, right?"

Talon pauses, considering my words. "You're right, I wouldn't. It would be awkward, especially in front of our parents. I'll back off. But you know, Genesis, you can't deny there's something between you and Reece."

I don't argue because he's right. Yet, I'm determined to maintain my distance from Reece, at least until I complete this project. I need to focus on my career and prove my worth on my own terms, without any complications.


Reece - 3 weeks later

Istride through the opulent space of our newest Forrester resort and casino at Willets Point, Queens, my mind racing with questions about Genesis. The lavish interior, with its extravagant chandeliers, plush carpeting, and the enticing hum of conversation mixed with the clinking of chips, does little to distract me from my growing agitation. The atmosphere is a blend of luxury and thrill, a perfect setting for high rollers and dreamers alike, but today, it's just a backdrop to my frustration.

Sitting at one of the high roller tables, Knox epitomizes relaxed indulgence. Surrounded by stacks of chips, a glass of brandy in one hand and a cigar in the other, he looks the part of the carefree millionaire. It's ironic, considering the man has had a gambling problem, yet here he is, running the very empire that feeds his vice. But as long as the numbers are good, and the profits high, our parents seem content to overlook his habits.

"Does it make sense to bet against the house when youarethe house, big brother?" I ask, trying to keep my tone light. The dealer, recognizing me, gives a respectful nod, but I'm hardly in the mood for pleasantries.

Knox, sensing my urgency, finally relents. "Jesus, you're a buzzkill," he mutters. With a flick of his wrist, he signals to one of the suited security guards who seamlessly begins collecting his chips and cashing them in—a discreet and efficient service afforded to those who play at these stakes.

We make our way to the private elevators, leaving the vibrant chaos of the casino floor behind. The silence in the elevator is tense, with both of us lost in our own thoughts. Knox, always the more laid-back of us, seems to take my intrusion in stride, but I can't shake off the urgency that's gnawing at me.

Reaching the executive office floor, we step into a world of corporate luxury. The plush carpet muffles our steps as we pass sleek conference rooms and well-appointed offices. Employees glance up, offering nods and smiles of recognition, which I return mechanically. My mind is elsewhere, on Genesis.

Finally, in Knox's office—a spacious, tastefully decorated room with panoramic views of the city—I get straight to the point. "Where is she, Knox? Genesis has been avoiding me, and I need to know why."

Knox leans back in his chair, the picture of nonchalance. "Genesis is on assignment, Reece. She's doing her job, just like the rest of us."

His casual dismissal irks me. "I know she's on assignment, but why is she avoiding my calls? We need to…sort things out."

Knox pours himself another drink, his expression turning serious. "Maybe she's avoiding you for a reason, Reece. Did you ever think of that? Maybe you should take a hint and give her some space."

I stand up, frustration boiling over. "I can't just let this go, Knox. There's something between us, and it needs to be addressed." I didn't mean to let that part slip, but once it was out, I couldn't drag it back in.

He looks at me with amusement and concern in his eyes. "Reece, sometimes the best thing to do is to step back. Let her come to you when she's ready. Trust me, I'm dealing with the same thing right now."

The tension in Knox's office is palpable as I stand there, barely containing my frustration. I've never wanted to lash out at my brother as much as I do now. His casual demeanor only fuels my irritation further. He's right about Genesis avoiding me, and I hate that he is. It's been almost three weeks, and the uncertainty is eating at me. With the company Christmas party approaching, I'm desperate for answers.

"Do you know if she'll be at the Christmas party?" I press Knox for information.

His response is dismissive. "Seriously, why would I know that?"

"Because you've been spending more time with her than anyone else these past weeks," I retort, my voice laced with annoyance. "I'm sure she mentioned whether she's attending."

During my heated conversation with Knox, Ellie, the assistant, enters with the bottled water I had requested, but when I turn, I find myself face-to-face with Genesis, and my frustration momentarily evaporates. She embodies elegance and professionalism in a sleek, tailored grey business suit complemented by a stylish new haircut accentuating her features. Her presence renders me momentarily speechless.
