Page 19 of Strictly Business

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My eyes instinctively travel over her, taking in every detail. The sight of her evokes a mixture of longing and admiration. Her beauty is striking, and memories of our past encounters flood my mind, making my heart race. It's an inappropriate time and place for these thoughts, especially in a professional setting, yet shaking them off is challenging.

As Ellie, the assistant, awkwardly hands me the water, I barely acknowledge her. My attention remains fixed on Genesis.

"Thank you, Ellie," Knox says, clearly annoyed with my lack of manners. "Could you check if Conference Room B is available for our afternoon meeting?"

I watch Ellie leave with a quick nod, turning my focus back to Genesis and Knox. Genesis, seemingly unfazed by my presence, turns to Knox and says, “I’m sorry for being a bit early, Knox. I've been working hard to meet the article deadline.” Her voice is steady, her professionalism never wavering. I can't help but be impressed, yet a part of me is curious, almost concerned about her recent absence from my offices at Forrester Media. The way she carries herself, it's like she's got everything under control, but I can't shake off the feeling that there's more to her story, more that she's not telling.

"Have you been staying at the resort?" The question slips out before I can stop it. It's none of my business, I know, but after weeks of silence, the need for some kind of answer, any answer, overwhelms me. Genesis hesitates, and I immediately regret my intrusion into her personal space.

Knox, ever the voice of reason, especially in this moment, chides me. "That really isn't any of your business, Reece. If that's all you came here for, to ask unnecessary questions, we can talk later. Next time, how about respecting the response I sent you in my email instead of barging in here?"

I try to brush off his comments. My focus is on Genesis. "I've been trying to reach you, Genesis. We need to talk."

Genesis, with a hint of defensiveness in her tone, responds, "Robyn knows I've been on assignment, interviewing Knox for the last three weeks. I'm trying to wrap up his article for the magazine."

Knox chimes in with pride, "She's been doing a great job."

I glare at my brother. “Do you mind ifshe and Ihave a minute, please?”

"I do mind, actually; this ismyoffice, Reece. Use one of the guest offices. I have calls to make before I meet with Genesis."

Genesis nods, a silent agreement to my request. I leave my brother's office and ask Ellie, the assistant, if my usual guest office is available. She confirms it is, and this time, I thank her, leading Genesis down the hall. Her reluctance is obvious, but she follows.

We enter the guest office, a space designed for privacy and executive meetings. The office is well-appointed, with a large desk, comfortable seating, and a view of the resort that speaks of power and prestige. I close the door, positioning myself so there's no easy exit for either of us.

The air between us is thick with unspoken tension. We're standing inches apart, and I can feel the magnetic pull between us. We had promised ourselves we wouldn't do this, but the urge to close the gap, to reignite that spark, is almost irresistible.

"Genesis, where have you been?" My voice is barely a whisper, heavy with frustration, concern and an underlying current of something more profound.



Reece's presence is unsettling, stirring up emotions I've struggled to suppress for the last three weeks. His nearness sends a shiver down my spine, a mix of anxiety, desire and nerves.

"I told you, my focus is on the assignment with Knox," I insist, trying to keep my voice steady. "Robyn knows where I am. I didn't realizeyouexpected me to be at the office."

He stares at me intently, his voice soft yet charged with an unspoken urgency. "You're avoiding the actual issue here," he says, his breath warm against my skin. His knuckles glide gently down my jaw, lifting my chin so my eyes meet his gaze. His thumb brushes over my lips, reigniting memories of our last encounter that I've tried so hard to bury.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, even though I'm fully aware of the tension between us.

"Don't pretend you don't understand," he urges, his eyes searching mine. "Walking out on me and not addressing what happened between's been as much of a torment for me as I’m sure it has been for you."

I shake my head, feigning confusion, but deep down, his words resonate with the turmoil I've been feeling. The memory of his lips kissing me and the warmth of his body pressed into mine is a feeling I've desperately tried to ignore.

"I see it in your eyes. You've been thinking about it too. You've been avoiding me because of it. Why?" he presses, his voice laced with frustration.

"I haven't been avoiding you," I lie, defiantly lifting my chin. "I've been busy."

He raises an eyebrow skeptically. "How's the article coming along?"

I deflect, "Robyn or Knox should have updated you."

He doesn't let up. "I'm askingyou, Genesis. How is it going?"

"It's going well," I respond, trying to sound professional. "Your brother is quite interesting. I've learned a lot."

Reece's reaction is unexpected; he chuckles, clearly amused. "Knox,interesting? I'd love to see how you've managed to portraythat."
