Page 67 of Expecting in Oceans

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I went over to him. “Istil—”

“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m just going to sit here.”

At exactly the time we’d agreed upon, the glyphs etched into the stone that formed the mahinui gate glowed a pale blue light.

“It’s opening,” Visir announced.

From where I was standing beside Istil, I had a straight view of the entrance. There was a slight shimmer, then a bright flash, and the space inside of the stone warped and became like the refraction below the surface of a pond.

The first to come through the gate were Theo’s son Haru and his mate Aerin, followed by a dark-haired alpha holding the hand of a young boy.

“Greetings, greetings,” Kai said. “I’m Kai.”

“Delos,” the alpha said, shaking Kai’s hand. “This is my son, Oli. Wow, it’s hot here.”

“Welcome to the island,” said Theo, patting Delos’s shoulder. “You’ll get used to it.”

Next came another alpha I didn’t know, tall with a build that immediately made me think of Makoa. He looked around, wide-eyed.

“By the Gods, I’m on T’Wanu Na,” he said, and his face lit up when he saw Theo and Eli. “Oh, shit! I’m so glad to see you guys.”

“Long time, no see, Rainor,” Theo said.

Then Thran finally emerged through the gate along with who I presumed was his mate, an alpha with wild red hair.

“Welcome back to T’Wanu Na,” Kai said.

“This is my Baleon, my mate,” said Thran.

“Hey, how’s it going?” Baleon said, shaking hands. “Where’s the beach? I’ve heard a hell of a lot about your wave riding. I’ve been dying to give it a shot.”

“No shit?” said Kai. “I’d be happy to show you.”

“My name’s Ari,” I said, introducing myself to the newcomers. “Please let Kai or myself know if you need anything during your stay.”

“Where’s Istil?” asked Thran, looking around.

“I’m here,” Istil said, still covering himself with the giant frond.

“What are you doing, cousin?” Thran said with a laugh.

“He’s finally become a tree,” said Baleon. “I knew it was gonna happen.”

Istil peeked over the top of the frond. “Hello, Thran,” he said.

I watched with my heart pounding as Thran eyed Istil.

“What is going on here?” he said. “What are you hiding, Istil?”

As he walked towards Istil, Thran leveled his hand in the air and flicked it to one side, like he was brushing dirt from a table. The frond responded to the invisible force and slowly pulled away. Thran came to a halt.

“Oh, this is new,” Baleon said.

Thran stared as Istil stood with his hand resting protectively across his stomach. “Is this what we’re celebrating?” Thran asked.

“I think that depends entirely on how you feel about it,” Istil said with a sheepish smile.

“Why didn’t you tell me you’d found a mate?” Thran asked. “This is so unexpected.”
