Page 31 of Carved in Scars

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“And you girls behave yourselves,” Mark adds with a wink.

“We always do,” Darci says.

After a prolonged goodbye, I follow Darci out the front door and over to her Honda. I want to ask her if Devon will be there, but I know that will look suspicious. My stomach flips just thinking of seeing him and maybe ending up alone with him again.

“You should be nicer to them, Ally,” she says as we back out of the driveway. “I know you know how to be nice to people. They’re trying really hard.”

“I’m trying, too,” I say.

“Right,” she says, shaking her head. “Anyway, Morgan and Audrey are going to meet us at the house. Do you really not know how to swim? How did I not know that?”

“I don’t know,” I tell her. “It’s embarrassing.”

And it’s not true. I know how to swim; I just don’t want to be seen in a bathing suit.

“I could have sworn you got in the pool last year.”

I was different then.

I shrug. “Nope. I don’t think so.”

“Well, I could teach you. You could stay in the shallow end. You could wear one of my suits. I mean…they’d be big in the top, but—”

“It’s okay, Darci. Really.”

“Well, if I knew, I would have asked you to do something else. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“I won’t be. I’m happy to just…hang out there. I’ll be fine. Any excuse to get out of the house on the weekend. It would be nice if you could come to dinner tomorrow, though.”

As annoying as it is, the show they put on for Darci does tend to work in my favor. She’s an excellent buffer.

“Well, I was supposed to meet up with that guy later that night, but…”

“What guy? The old guy?”

“He’s not an old guy,” she says. “He’s in college. But I could probably do both.”


When we pull up to the house, Morgan’s car is in the driveway, and she and Audrey are already waiting for us by the pool. I follow Darci through the living room and out to the back patio, pretending I’m not scanning the first floor for Devon.

I did see his car. That doesn’t mean he didn’t leave with someone else, though. What if he comes back with another girl? He probably wants to after everything I told him.

I think I’m going to be sick.

I put on my sunglasses, lie back on a lounge chair next to my friends, and listen to them talk about prom dates and dresses and wonder if Devon will go to prom. Maybe he’s even asked someone already. It seems like almost everyone has a date by now.

Yeah, I definitely fucked up.Fuck.

I hear the sliding door close, and Darci yells, “Go back inside, Devon. We’re using the pool right now.”

“Too bad it’s not just your house,” he says. He pulls his shirt over his head and sits down on the edge of the pool.

“Are you going swimming, Ally?” he asks.

“What? No,” I reply.

“Ally doesn’t know how to swim,” Darci says.
