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She nodded. “You’re right. I never wanted anyone to think I’m weak, but I see the error in my thinking now. I’m not strong because Idon’task for help. I’m strong because Iacceptthe help that’s given to me. Thank you both for everything you’re doing for me. I couldn’t—” She stopped abruptly and cleared her throat. “I’m just grateful, that’s all.”

I swallowed and swiped at my eyes with the heels of my hands. “Thanks, Mom. We love you.”

“And I love you two more than anything. Now, tell me more about this man you’re seeing. You should have seen the glow on your face when your sister asked about him. He must make you happy.”

“He does.”

After a while, Mom put plates of chicken on the table, and we ate. Mashed potatoes, green beans, and macaroni and cheese were piled high for side dishes. We ate lunch and laughed, the two of them listening to me gush about Dex while we ate, before Tamara changed the subject to talking about her graduate program and the progress she was making in her classes.

The afternoon flew by and eventually I had to head home to get ready for our concert date. I stood in front of my closet, staring at it again, wishing again that I had something sexy to wear. I grabbed my phone and fired off a text to Cam.

Bennett: Think fast. What should I wear on my date with Dex tonight?

Cam: Where’s he taking you again?

Bennett: Concert.

The three dots appeared and disappeared several times. After what felt like forever, a picture message came through from Cam. It was a sparkly tank top.

Cam: Do you have anything like this?

I snorted. Of course I didn’t. But… I grabbed some things out of my closet and threw them on the bed before snapping a quick photo to send.

Bennett: How’s this?

The picture was of my black jeans with ripped knees and a dark red tank top with a band logo on it. I’d set a pair of black and gray canvas sneakers next to the jeans for good measure.

Cam: Perfect. Now, do you have any eyeliner?

Bennett: No, definitely not.

Cam: Too bad. But that’s okay, you’ll be fine without it. Have a great time. And wear a condom!

I rolled my eyes and tossed my phone on the bed before changing quickly into the outfit I’d picked out. It was perfect timing, too, because no sooner had I changed and spritzed some cologne on than the doorbell rang. My stomach fluttered with butterflies as I rushed to answer the door and get my evening with Dex started.

Chapter Twelve


Iwas as giddy as a child when I woke Saturday and the day seemed to drag on. I didn’thaveto work, but I fixed myself in my home office and tried to focus in order to distract myself from the anticipation of seeing Bennett that night. I had assured both Jude and Frank I’d be fine without them and I’d spent the day focusing on how to grow the business.

I hated working in investments. I hadn’t been lying when I’d told Bennett I’d wanted to be a boat captain as a child—I still did, to some degree. Instead, my dad had passed away when I was a young teen, and my mom had raised me to be the next head of Webber Holdings, the investment firm her grandfather had started and passed down through the family lines, the company she and my dad had worked so hard to maintain and grow.

I wasn’t entirely sure their hard work had been worth it. I’d grown up surrounded by unimaginable wealth, yes, but at what cost? I’d never had many friends—at least, not friends whoweren’tusing me for my money. There was family, yes, but we’d been estranged from them since well before I was born. Whenmy mom passed away, I’d been left with nobody. I also knew that my problems weren’t the type to garner sympathy. Despite the fact that we gave away millions of dollars a year to charities and individuals alike, nobody wanted to hear the story of the poor little rich boy.

I shook off the self-pity as I got in the shower and prepared myself for my date. I didn’t want to go into my date with Bennett thinking about all the things I didn’t have. I wanted to go in thinking about what I wanted—which was him.

Speaking of which, I needed to decide when to come clean. We’d just been enjoying ourselves so much, all the texting and flirting, that I didn’t know how to say what I needed to say without ruining everything.I’ll do it soon, I promised myself.Just not tonight.

When I picked Bennett up, he looked absolutely delicious, greeting me at his door in ripped black jeans and a deep red tank top. I felt woefully overdressed in my jeans and button-down shirt.

“Hey,” he greeted me, his grin as eager and childlike as I had been earlier in the day.

Immediately, I reached for him and hauled him in for a hello kiss. He buried his fingers in my hair and I groaned into his mouth. It was going to be a long night of desperation, I realized.

With that, he raced to the car, shivering in the chilly March evening breeze as he clambered inside and shut himself in. “It’s too cold,” he whined as he buckled up.

“You can change. We’re not in a hurry.”

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