Page 31 of The Huntress

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Ella-Ashley-Six months later

The China Tea Room is always crowded. Especially since it became known in a luxury lifestyle magazine that it’s favored by the Van Hovenkamp’s. It has sort of become our favorite spot. We try to make it here, every weekend if we’re not too busy.

”Our table’s that one in the corner,” Hendryk says with a nudge of his chin and I can’t help but sneak another glance at him. He makes space shrink around him and I’m proud to be on his arm.

It sounds old-fashioned but it’s true and I squeeze his biceps a little extra, as we cut through the tables. Hendryk and I chat about our next vacation, our focus only on each other as per usual until we hear a loud, horrified gasp.

I turn my face, locking eyes with Frau Falther. Accompanied by the infamous bombshell niece, who’s chewing on the crust of a crumpet.

My old boss’s jaw drops. ”I don’t believe it,” she inhales, fretting and I smile at her while making sure the ring on my finger is visible. I picked it out together with Hendryk, because I insisted. One evening, I opened up his closed down tab, realizing he wanted to get me one for five million dollars but I would’ve been terrified of losing it.

”Hello Frau Falther,” I say, the corners of my mouth hurting from how hard I’m smiling, ”long time no see.”

”I heard you work as a stylist these days,” she says with a pinch to her lips and I nod. ”And that you have quite the clientele.”

Indeed, I do. I started little by little, but then I fully leaped and my reputation quickly grew. I’m styling everyone from talk-show hosts, to heiresses to politicians.

”And I also heard you got married,” Frau Falther squirms, ”to Hendryk.” She glances at my handsome husband, flashing him a toothy grin. ”Hendryk dearest, this is my niece by the way. She’s a swim-suit model, and really famous overseas.”

Frau Falther elbows the poor girl, hissing that she needs to sit up straight. Hendryk barely looks at her, just gives a quick nod and I stifle a snort.

”Biggie, why don’t you go sit and I’ll be right there,” I purr at Hendryk and he takes off. I turn to Frau Falther. ”I assume you have a new assistant now?”

She nods carefully, wondering where I’m going this.

”Then I hope you treat her better than you treated me,” I say and Frau Falther inhales, clapping her forehead as if she’s about to faint.

”How….what…why, I never treated you badly, Elasha!”

My smile tightens. ”Actually, it’s Ella-Ashley. It was always Ella-Ashley to you.” Pleased with myself, I sashay over to Hendryk who’s waiting for me and revenge does taste a little bit sweet after all.

I’m not the same girl I once was. I’m a Van Hovenkamp now. When we visited Hendryk’s parents overseas, they quickly grew attached. Hendryk’s dad was a little stiff at first but loosened up as soon as he began talking about the monarchy and his mom was a fit, brisk woman who couldn’t stop telling me how pretty I am. They welcomed me as one of their own, happy their son had married such a fine catch.

”Did everything go okay over there?” Hendryk asks, unfolding his napkin as the waitress serves us and I nod.

”Just fine…,” I begin, beaming at him when I notice he’s not listening. Suddenly he’s tense and glaring at something out the window. Throwing his napkin down, he gets up.

”Be right back,” he snaps.

”Where are you going…?” I stare after him in shock as he shoots through the exit. We were just about to eat, what could be so important…

Wide eyed, I watch Hendryk yank a man down from the bike he just parked. Hendryk clutches his tight, shiny shirt throwing him to the side before grabbing the bike.

He lifts it over his head before slamming it down on the concrete. His face twists in rage as he starts kicking it, messing up the handles, destroying the wheels. Then he whirls around and grabs the petrified biker around the collar.

The biker tries to fight him off but Hendryk jostles him, putting his face close to the man and I think he’s threatening him. Slamming a fist into his narrow face, Hendryk lets go of the man with revulsion. He passes the bike, spitting on it before walking back inside.

I’ve never seen my husband spit before. Didn’t even think he knew how. Taking a deep breath, Hendryk flashes friendly smiles at the other customers, apologizing for his behavior out there. Everyone gawks but assure him it’s quite alright because he’s just ultra-likeable. Which means nobody wants to be on his bad side.

Sitting back down on the table, he tosses his hair back with his had. ”That was…,” he mutters but I cut him off.

”I know,” I breathe, clutching the edge of my seat. ”The same man who rammed me over.”

Hendryk nods and his knuckles are cracked when he pours us tea from the pot. ”Sugar?” he asks. ”Or just cream this time?”

He never ceases to amaze me. ”Cream,” I breathe, ”but I don’t want it from the pot or in my tea.” Squirming I add, ”Meet me in the ladies in five.”

His eyes flash to mine. ”Three,” Hendryk purrs, tracing his fingers up the inside of my knee.

”Make it two,” I pant, but his eyes darken and he raises the stakes.


Good gravy, I need to get moving!

The End
