Page 22 of Monster’s Magic

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Shayde run his fingers across my cheek, then gently scratches his nails against my scalp. His touch tugging my hair, yet also being gentle with his caress, my breath catches in my throat, my heart pounds with exhilaration. Our eyes lock once more, a whirlwind of emotions swirling between us. I can almost feel the power between us humming like electricity.

Feeling somewhere between longing and nervousness, I need more. I want him to kiss me again. As if reading my mind, he pulls me to his body until I’m flush against him. Caught in a moment where our burning impulse will drive our next move, he lowers his lips to mine again, igniting a passionate fire that consumes us both. The kiss is a tempest, a fusion of hunger and need, as if we are both starved for this connection. I can feel myself tugging at his clothes, grasping to hold onto his body, because if I dare let go, Shayde will cease to exist.

But just as the kiss begins to reach its pinnacle, Shayde breaks away and presses his forehead to mine. He takes my hands in his and leads us toward an empty space in the wall. I can see a mischievous glint in his eyes. My brow furrows with curiosity, a hint of apprehension burrows into my belly.

“Where are we going,” I ask him.

Shayde simply smirks. “Somewhere only I know about.”

“Hmm, I bet you tell all the ladies that when making out, huh,” I tease.

He stares at me as if I’d spoken a different language. “If I were to take you to a spot where I bring all the ladies, as you said, it would not be a secluded one that no one has ever been to, except me.”

Well fuck.

I sigh and squeeze his hand. “I’m… I’m nervous and when I get like this, I tend to ramble. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Shayde touches my cheek once more. “Do you want to join me?” His voice is thick and heavy.

Gods, do I want to feel him against me.

“Yes,” I answer.

He nods and brings my hand up, pressing his lips to the back of it. He faces the wall and clutching his hand, I notice the wall ripples as if still water has been touched and it begins to undulate.

I gasp. “It’s a secret portal!”

Shayde grins at me then steps through and I’m right behind him. The world on the other side shimmers and fades, revealing a lush forest bathed in moonlight. The only sounds are the rustle of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. We stand in a secluded clearing, surrounded by towering trees, a sanctuary untouched by the outside world.

It’s perfection.

Shayde turns to face me, his eyes glowing with raw intensity. He pulls me into his arms once more, our bodies press together, no longer able to deny the desires that have plagued us for so long. The tension between us reaches a crescendo, our connection electric. And no one to spy on us, to ruin the moment, or stop any of this from happening.

I can’t control myself any longer. I grasp the back of his neck and pull him down to me. Our lips meet once more, but this time, there’s a tenderness beneath the passion. His tongue glides across mine and I melt in his embrace. I wasn’t sure what it would be like to kiss a monster, but I quickly discover this creature, this man, can do things with his tongue that human men would pay big money for the knowledge of.

And we’ve only just kissed.

His breaths mix with a growl as he speaks. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

I’ve never wanted anything so much in my life.

“Yes.” I bring my hands to his shirt and begin to unbutton him, slipping each pearl-white disk through its respective slit, but he stops me.

“No,” he states.

I blink. What the—oh… I grin when Shayde rips the front of his shirt open, giving zero fucks if it shreds, the buttons become lost, or if he’s never able to wear it again. The torn fabric falls to the earth and he brings his hands to my top.

“Oh no,” I warn and step back. “I need my clothes to get back. You might be able to get away being all hot and naked, but I can’t.” I untuck my top, then pull it off my body.

He chuckles. “As you wish, but I cannot promise anything about the panties. Those Iwillrip.”

I nibble on my lip for a moment and cannot move. I’m stuck between a lust-filled fantasy and sheer delight.

He lifts his brows. “I have no issue shredding the rest of your clothes, either. Just saying.”

I whisper a silent, “Oh,” then quickly disrobe from my skirt and shoes. I’m standing in my bra and panties and feel… beautiful.

The way Shayde takes in the sight of me is something I’ll treasure. It’s as if he’s been given a gift and he’s not sure if he should play with it or keep it safe.
