Page 30 of Monster’s Magic

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A short while later,Evie and I meet up with Shayde in the hallway above the library. He’s dressed in torn jeans and a fitted t-shirt. Good lord, he looks hot.

I motion with my arm as I begin to lead. “Follow me.” We make our way over to the area in the wall that Evie showed me before. The room is tucked away behind a concealed passage, cloaked in the shadows. Looking to my left and right, I tap the wall and it begins to undulate. Grinning, I motion for them to follow and step through.

On the other side, the room is temporarily dark. I locate a box of matches and light one of the candlesticks before Shayde mumbles an incantation that cause the rest of them to light in unison.

I grin. “Wow, that’s handy.”

He chuckles. “Comes with being part phoenix.”

I pull out a chair and take a seat. I wait as Shayde takes a moment to look around the room. From the maps to the portraits to the books, it’s all new to him as well.

“How did you find this room,” he asks.

“Honestly, by accident,” Evie answers. “I leaned against the wall and fell in.” She shrugs through a chuckle.

I grin at my best friend. That sounds exactly like something she’d do.

Evie takes a seat and a moment later, Shayde follows.

“So,” he starts. “What’s this big secret about?”

I wring my fingers in my lap. Where to begin? “I... I need to tell you something. Something that I’ve only recently learned myself.” The weight of my words hangs heavily in the air. I glance at Shayde, my lover and confidante, and then at Evie, my best friend and fellow necromancer. I take a deep breath, steeling myself for their reactions.

“My parents, they were once part of the necromancy high council,” I reveal, my voice carrying a mix of vulnerability and determination. “They were influential figures, respected for their power and knowledge. But before the corruption took hold, they became targets in a dangerous game of hostile takeover.”

Evie’s eyes widen in shock. “Teagan, I had no idea. How could you keep something like this from me?”

Tears well up in my eyes. “I couldn’t risk it, Evie. I couldn’t risk anyone getting hurt because of me. I had to protect them and protect myself. There’s also more.”

“More,” Evie asks.

I sniff and swipe at my nose. “My parents were royalty in the necromantic community. They were as close to being like a prince and princess as you could get. They were to lead... until they were assassinated.”

“Oh, my Goddess,” Evie whispers.

Shayde places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “You did what you thought was best. But now, we need to face the truth. If you’re being targeted here at Blackthorn Academy, we can’t afford to be in the dark any longer.”

I nod, my willpower resurfacing. “Exactly. That’s why I’m telling you now. I trust you both completely, and if I can trust you with my royal lineage, then I can trust you with this.”

Evie shakes her head a few times and lets out a soft laugh. “My best friend’s a princess. Okay. So, what do we do?”

“I’m no princess,” I say through a soft laugh.

Shayde’s eyes gleam with a fierce determination. “We train harder, Teagan. We build your own army.”

My brows furrow in confusion. “My own army? How? I don’t understand.”

Shayde’s voice drops to a low, almost haunting tone. “You are a necromancer, Teagan. You hold power over life and death. An army of the dead can be raised under your command.”

My eyes widen and my mind grapples with the implications of Shayde’s words. “But... but I’ve never tried anything like that before. Is it even possible?”

Evie stands up. “It’s a path that carries immense responsibility, Teagan. Necromancy is a delicate art, but with proper guidance and control, you can harness its power. You have the potential to create an army that could protect you and fight against those who seek to harm you.” Evie’s voice is confident, yet has a touch of concern.

The weight of the revelation settles on my shoulders, both daunting and empowering. I know that my journey will be full of challenges, but I also understand the necessity of it. For the first time in my life, I feel a sense of purpose beyond just surviving.

With newfound determination, I look at my loyal companions. “Then let’s start training, let’s build an army that will stand strong beside me. I won’t let fear or uncertainty hold me back any longer.”
