Page 41 of Monster’s Magic

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I frown, confusion evident in everything about me because I sure as hell have no idea what she’s talking about.

“What the fuck,” I ask and press my hands to my hips.

Shayde looks between my nemesis and me. “Dafni, don’t.” His voice has dropped a few octaves and I know if we’re not careful, his beast will emerge.

“Don’t what, exactly,” Evie repeats. “Is there something we shouldn’t know?” She comes closer to my side and crosses her arms over her chest.

If a grin could be sinister on a murderer, Dafni makes them appear to be nothing more than child’s play with how she’s holding herself in that moment. The menacing grin she’s giving me is nothing compared to the excitement I see in her eyes. The woman is pure evil.

“Tell her how,” Dafni starts and Shayde covers her mouth with one of his hands.

“Stop it,” he hisses and the fire behind his eyes burns brighter. “You don’t know what you’re doing and playing with.”

She pulls his hand away and conjures an invisible wall between them. “You’re in timeout.” She makes aharrumphsound, nods at him, then turns back to me.

I watch Shayde hit the invisible force field around himself and he can’t find a way to escape. His rage starts to take hold and soon, his monster will be freed. “Did you put him in an invisible box,” I ask.

“Yup,” she answers. “Now, where was I? Oh yes! I’ll just ask the question as if Shaydey-poo is going to answer.” She blows a kiss toward him then giggles. “So, Shayde,” she starts, and lays her hand on the unseen shield. “Will you tell her how we were part of the setup that killed her parents in thathorrible,” she air quotes with a sad frown, “car accident, or shall I?”

“What,” I whisper. The air catches in my chest and I can’t breathe. I stare at Dafni and my feet are glued to the ground beneath me. Everything from that day replays over in my mind.

Coming to, touching my mother’s lifeless body.

Crying out for her, but the sounds are all inaudible now. It’s as if I’m watching things unfold from the outside looking in.

Then the moment my power awakens and I reanimate my parent’s bodies.

I feel a tear slip down my cheek and land on my chest. I wipe it away with my sleeve and inhale a sharp, painful breath.

“Oh, you’ve done fucked up now, sister,” Evie calls out and conjures two fireballs in her hands. “Let’s see what you look like bald and burned, you fucking cunty ass bitch!”

Dafni screams and a second later, she disappears in a puff of smoke, as does her invisible cage.

Shayde falls forward on his hands and knees, fully developed into his monster.

And I could give a single fuck.

“Teagan, wait,” he calls out, his monstrous voice booms across the field.

“Eat a fucking dick, you coward,” I whirl around and face the creature, this beast who stole my heart and pounded on it with deception.

How the fuck could I have been so stupid?

I look like a toddler in his presence, and feel like one after having been betrayed. “What could you possibly have to say that would make me want to stay?”

Standing by my side, Evie wraps on arm around my shoulders, then takes my hand with her other. “Come on, there’s nothing left for us here. Let’s get back to the academy and plan our next defensive move.”

“Teagan, please wait. I can explain,” he pleas.

I close my eyes and I cannot get the image of my parent’s lifeless bodies out of my mind. “Stop for a moment,” I whisper to Evie. She nods and I turnabout to Shayde. “There’s nothing you have that I want or need to hear that’s an explanation for the murder of my parents and the attempted murder of me. Fuck you,” I spit out and start my way back to the academy with Evie.

I lean into her and I let the tears flow. I can’t believe this is how my night turned out. I find out life-changing news just for it to be ruined by Dafni and Shayde.

I lift my tear-blurred gaze to hers. “He marked me.”

She side glances me. “What does that mean?”

I let out a long breath and sniff a few times. “It means he made me as his mate so no one else would or could take me. I’m his, Evie. Forevermore.”
