Page 102 of Tempted Away

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I stand up, and he catches my hand. His fingers are so cold, his grip weak, and I tighten my fingers around his, trying to lend him some of my strength. “Thank you, Bails. For coming.” His throat works, but he keeps his eyes on mine. “You have given me the greatest gift.”

I’m not sure how, but I somehow summon the strength to keep the tears from my eyes, knowing that this will be the last time I see him.

“You are most welcome, Quinn. And it was so good to see you.” It’s the first lie I’ve told him, but it’s a necessary one. I don’t want him to know that it breaks something in my soul to see him like this.

“Bailey,” he calls as I’m walking away. “I don’t want to be forgotten.” His voice hitches, a plea in his eyes.

Walking back, I cup his cheeks and press my lips to his forehead. I close my eyes, inhaling deeply. “There is no way you will ever be forgotten.”

Because no matter what happened in the past, Quinn doesn’t deserve to be forgotten.


Kallan’s waiting for me when I get home. His eyes are intense as they study my face. Without hesitation, he opens his arms, wordlessly embracing me. It’s good that he knows me better than I know myself because all these emotions I’m experiencing have any words I could say jumbled up into a tight knot. And then I break. I’m in his arms, the safest place I could ever be, and I know, I know, that he will hold me and care for me without judgment, without selfishness.

The sobs that wrack my body feel like they’re torn from my soul. All the hurt, betrayal, and pain Quinn caused me fade away. It’s not that man I’m mourning. It’s my childhood friend, the boy that was so full of life. The one with the crooked smile, the skinned knees, and the dirt streaking his face. The one that was so full of life. The one who has to say goodbye to his child much too early.

Wrapped in the warmth and comfort of the man I love more than anything, I allow myself to grieve, knowing that he won’t judge me for that. That he understands.

Once the tears have dried up, he takes my hand and leads me to our bedroom, where he slowly undresses me, pressing me down onto the bed.

Then he worships my body, the awe in his eyes when he looks at me just as strong as the first time. We move together while he uses his words, his body, and his whole soul to show me how loved I am.

I have no regrets. I don’t want any do-overs or take-backs. I would endure what Quinn put me through a million times over because it made me stronger and wiser.

But most importantly; it gave me Kallan.
