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Still, he was counting on Kaylee’s friendliness and composure to win over his grandmother.

“Anyway, I’m late for brunch.”

Her social schedule was legendary. Meals. Tennis. Bunco. And somehow she managed it around all her volunteer work.

“I love you, Gran.”

“Just bring Kaylee to see me.”

The moment he ended the call, Jolly spoke.“Jennings has arrived.”

Early, which was appreciated since Frost was having a sudden, impetuous idea.

As he headed for the exit, Frost shrugged into a blazer.

Though he usually opted for the private elevator that would whisk him straight to the lobby, he headed for the stairs and took them to the parking garage. Twenty-five flights was a lot, but the energy churning inside him demanded an outlet. “Exiting,” he informed Jolly so she could adjust the temperature settings and lock the doors.

He’d moved in only a year ago, at the urging of Bonds. His friend, Kennedy Aldrich, had built the property with all of Bonds techno sorcery included, and Hawkeye handled all the security. Though he didn’t worry about that, a couple of Hollywood stars and a foreign prince had suites in the building. But because he was friends with Bonds, Frost had secured one of the few penthouses. His was a two-story unit with a rooftop garden.

When he reached the garage, his heart rate was up but not significantly.

“Morning, sir.” Jennings doffed his hat.

“Jennings.” Once he was inside the vehicle, he leaned forward and gave his instructions. “I need flowers.”

In the rearview mirror, his driver nodded. “I know just the place.”

A few minutes later, he pulled to a stop. Though the shop wasn’t open yet, when Jennings joined Frost and knocked on the window, a woman glanced over. A quick smile curved her lips and lit her eyes.

“Sam!” she exclaimed after letting them in.

The burly man picked her up and swung her around.Well, well.

When he finally put the squealing, giggling woman back down, Jennings offered the introductions. “My employer, Evan Frost. Mr. Frost, meet Miss Lila Leblanc, owner of Blooming Bayou.”

“My pleasure.”

“Same. Anything to get Sam to stop in at my shop.”

If Frost wasn’t mistaken, his driver flushed, but he cleared his throat and turned his head.

“Are you looking for an arrangement? Or perhaps a plant?”

He glanced at Jennings who managed to pull himself back together.

“An arrangement,” the man responded on Frost’s behalf.

“Is there a special occasion?” When he didn’t answer right away, she went on. “An apology, perhaps?”

“No.” Not that Kaylee didn’t deserve that for the long hours he demanded of her. But it had never occurred to him before. In the past, he’d ensured that his girlfriends received flowers on birthdays and dating anniversaries—if they reminded him in advance, which most of them did.

“A budding romance?” Ms. Leblanc suggested.

That wasn’t right either. Was it? “We had an enjoyable evening, and we have a big day ahead.” One that would end with his ring on her finger.

“Any budget I need to be respectful of?”

Again Jennings answered for him. “None.”
