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An electrical buzz hummed over the speakers. Jolly was still online but hadn’t yet responded. “Do I need to repeat the request?”

“Why are you giving your admin such a nice a gift?”

“None of your business.”

Was the question Bonds’s version of prying? The only person who enjoyed meddling more than Aviana was Bonds himself. Not bothering to tamp down his annoyance, he snapped back. “What was my last request?”

“To order a spa package for Ms. Robbins.”

The words sounded a bit petulant. Since that wasn’t really possible, maybe he was projecting. “Be sure Gran’s is wrapped in a nice box. With a bow.”

“Consider it done.”

Next up, as he sat at the head of the long, lonely dining room table drinking a second cup of coffee, his chief of staff read him the contents of two dozen emails, and he dictated his responses. “Anything else?”

“An email just arrived from Brigette.”

The chairperson of Christoff’s board.

“Shall I send it straight to the trash heap?”

“Tempting. But no. Read it.”

“Recommend another ten percent cut to overhead at the beginning of the year.”

“She can fuck off.”

“Message compiled.”

May not be his most strategic response. “Don’t send.”

“New message?”

“Tell her merry Christmas.” Which was his holiday version ofscrew you.The results he’d delivered so far had been stellar. Brigette was being greedy. Not that he could blame her. For two years, Christoff had hemorrhaged cash.

Once the rest of his messages had been handled, he instructed Jolly to call Ophelia, his grandmother.

“Ah! My favorite grandson.”

“Only grandson,” he corrected wryly.

“Semantics. Even if I had a dozen, you’d be my favorite.”

He grinned. Their worlds had fallen apart at the same time, yet Gran was there, solid and reassuring. Without her strength, he doubted he’d even have a shred of humanity left.

“I’m looking forward to meeting your…” She paused. “Wife.”

“And Kaylee asked me to let you know she’s anxious to see you on Christmas Eve.”

“That’s her name? Pretty.”

“You’ll like her.”

“I’m sure I will.”

He didn’t expect overt enthusiasm, and he didn’t get it. After all, Gran had picked out a woman for him—Milena. From his standpoint, there was nothing actually wrong with her. She was pretty enough, interesting enough. Although he’d taken her to dinner twice, she didn’t spark a fire inside him. That still hadn’t stopped Gran—or Milena—from expecting him to propose.

No matter who he brought to Christmas, Gran would likely be disappointed.
