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“That’s enough about that, Gran. I’m sure Kaylee is bored.”

“Not at all.” Kaylee smiled sunnily. She’d learned more about him in a few hours than she had in the time she’d worked for him.

After the exquisite meal, they retired to the second parlor with an ornate fireplace that Frost lit.

The scent of pine filled the air as the wood crackled and popped. All three dogs curled up into beds that Ophelia had placed near the hearth. Now that nighttime had fallen, the beautiful lights seemed even more magical. The atmosphere was comfortable as a holiday should be.

“Nightcap before we open presents?” Frost asked.

“I’ll have a brandy,” Ophelia said.

“Sweetheart?” He looked at her.

At the casual endearment, her heart flip-flopped. Why did the relationship with Frost suddenly seem more real than anything she’d shared with anyone else? “Thanks. I’m good.” The coffee she’d had after dinner still hummed in her veins. And honestly she couldn’t consume another calorie.

Once he offered a glass to his grandmother, Frost sat next to Kaylee on the couch, uncomfortably close.

“I noticed your ring at dinner.” Rather than drinking, Ophelia rolled her glass between her palms “It’s beautiful.”

“Thank you. I love it.”

“The diamond is too small,” Frost protested.

Ophelia’s eyes twinkled. “According to you?”

His response was dry. “Who else’s opinion matters?”

“Clearly your wife’s if she won that battle.”

“She did.”

“So did I,” Ophelia confessed. “Frederick—Evan’s grandfather, God rest his soul—wanted me to wear his mother’s ring. I wanted my own. I’m glad you stood your ground, Kaylee. For something you’ll wear every day, it’s important you like it.”

She forced a smile. If the marriage was real, she’d love the setting. Frost took another sip before standing once more and crossing the room toward the tree. At around twelve-feet tall, this one was much shorter than the one in the entryway.

All three dogs followed his movement, their tails thumping on the hardwood floor.

Crouching, he picked out the bag for his grandmother, then walked it over to her. “From Kaylee and me.”

First she opened the card and read it, then gave a small smile. “What a beautiful sentiment. Thank you both.”

Kaylee leaned forward curiously, wondering what Frost had chosen.

Ophelia blinked when she held up a black card from the Maison Sterling. “That’s quite the extravagance, young man.”

“You deserve it.”

“It’s a very generous gift.” She tucked it back into place. “It will certainly cover more than one day at the spa.”

“Or perhaps a spa and an overnight stay?” he suggested.

“Even better.” She placed everything back where she found it before saying, “If you don’t mind, there’s one each for you and Kaylee under there also.”

“Of course.”

She was flabbergasted that Ophelia had even considered her when planning for Christmas.

Once again, Frost crouched near the tree and drew out two boxes, labeled with each of their respective names.
