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He brought them over and placed them on the coffee table, then turned to Kaylee. “Would you like to go first?”

“I think you should,” she answered, watching him.

After rejoining her on the couch, he pried the lid off his. Abruptly he went still, and a pulse throbbed in his temple. “Is this what I think it is?”

Ophelia nodded. “It is.”

He gently lifted the gold pocket watch from its velvet cushion,

As he did, Kaylee caught a glimpse of the intricately designed owl engraved on the front.

Speechless, he met his grandmother’s gaze.

“It belonged to your great-great-grandfather.” Ophelia’s voice was filled with emotion. “It gets passed down when the oldest son is married.”

“But it was never given to my father.” Evan’s voice was barely a whisper.

“If he’d been worthy, it would have been, even though he isn’t a direct descendant. But since your grandfather and I had no sons, we saved it for you.”


For the first time since Kaylee had known him, Frost’s fingers shook.

His grandmother’s gesture had evidently meant a lot to him. He traced the owl with its glittering emerald eyes. From his reaction, the time-honored piece—probably crafted from solid gold—meant the world to him.

With reverence, he returned the watch to its resting place and closed the lid, setting the box aside.

“You’re next, Kaylee,” Ophelia said.

Heart pounding with anticipation, she accepted the package from Frost and opened the ribbon, then gasped. Cradled in the box was a gold tiara, adorned with precious gems and embellished with intricate hearts, birds, and ornate scrollwork.

At a loss for words, she looked at Frost who pressed his hands together and regarded his grandmother.

“Mrs. Delaney…” Kaylee’s voice faltered as she looked at the family matriarch, a woman she liked much more than she had expected. “This is… I don’t know what to say.”

“Beautiful, is it not?”

“Beyond.” In shock, she took in the history of the priceless heirloom. “Thank you from the bottom of my heart, but this is too extravagant.”

“Not for my new granddaughter,” Ophelia countered with soft, steely resolve.

The word smacked Kaylee in the face. She wasn’t Ophelia’s granddaughter, and never would be.

“The piece is from the family collection and has great sentimental value. All of our brides have worn this exact tiara.” Obviously unaware of Kaylee’s turmoil, Ophelia went on. “It’s yours to keep now.”

Numb, reeling, Kaylee stared at the keepsake and struggled to find words. “I’m afraid I don’t know what to say.”

“I’m positive the piece will be in good hands, safe for future generations.”

Around her, the room seemed to spin. Ophelia was convinced that Kaylee and Frost were going to be having children. The charade had gone too far—and the consequences were more far-reaching than she could have imagined.

As if sensing her emotional struggle, Frost reassuringly placed his hand on her knee.

“I’m humbled and honored.” Then struggling past the sudden lump in her throat, she added, “Thank you.”

“Perhaps you could wear it to the reception.”

She tried—and failed—to smile.
