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“See, Daddy?”

She had Trenton help measure the ingredients and turn on the mixer. Surprising her, Hayes perched on a stool at the kitchen island, watching everything.

When the first trays were in the oven, she instructed her very simple device to load her favorite holiday album. Then she changed her mind and grinned. “Play “Jingle Bells” by Alvin and the Chipmunks.”

Hayes frantically shook his head, “Anything but that.”

But Trenton joined in when she started to sing.

After the cookies came out, but before the chocolate chips totally cooled, both boys reached for one. With a sigh, she poured each of them a glass of milk to cool their mouths.

She and Trenton moved on to sugar cookies, and she placed the dough in the refrigerator to chill before making her next suggestion. “How about snowballs?”

“What are those?” Trenton asked.

The Mexican wedding cookies she’d had at the Maison Sterling. She explained the concept to Trenton and showed him pictures on her phone.

“I think Santa will like those.”

“What do you think?” she asked Hayes.

“I think I know what other name they go by.”

Their gazes met, and longing was in the depths of his jewel-like green eyes.

Suddenly shaking, she turned away to pull out a bag of pecans.

While that batch baked, Trenton announced he was hungry.

“How about pizza?” Hayes suggested.

An animated discussion about what toppings to order ensued. And in the end, he ordered three different pies, wings, and sugary soda.

If father and son weren’t in a food coma by the end of the night, she’d be shocked.

They spent the day baking and watching movies together…a glimpse of the life she’d always imagined.

And at the end of the evening, when Trenton fell asleep on the couch, she walked into the kitchen to package up the cookies for them and Santa. Hayes stalked toward her, intent obvious, and backed her into the corner to claim her mouth in a passionate kiss.

“Come over tomorrow?”

“Hayes…” Today was bad enough. Them leaving now was horrible, and a lump formed in her throat. She adored Trenton, finding him inquisitive and smart. But she knew she wasn’t part of their family unit.

“My chief of staff arranged for enough food for three people.”

“You need time with Trenton.”

“He likes you. Say yes.”

Was it better than being alone?

“I’m going to make pancakes.”

“You?” she echoed. “Making pancakes?”

He sighed. “Fine. I’m going to try. I have a mix. Foolproof, right?”

