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“And coffee. Maybe dunk some cookies in it.”

She laughed. “Your offer is irresistible.”

He kissed her again, then summoned the car. He carried the packages down, then came back to scoop up his still-sleeping son. With a gentle smile, Hayes left for the night. Again she was alone, and her heart echoed with emptiness.


“Miss Abigail, Santa left a gift for you!”

“He did?” She hadn’t even had a chance to ring the bell before Trenton threw open the front door.

His enthusiastic greeting filled her with joy.

Hayes hurried over to stand behind him. “He couldn’t wait for you to get here.”

“What did you bring?” Trenton demanded.

“A few things,” she hedged.

Hayes smiled. “Now that you’re here, we have everything we need.”

Abigail was doubly glad she hadn’t decided to stay home. Even if the future was bleak, she could replay these happy moments forever.

“Santa ate all his cookies!”

“Did he?” She looked at Hayes.

“Every last one of them.”

“Good thing Santa likes to exercise,” she said.

“He has some preferred methods of cardio.”

Heat rushed through her.

“How about we let our guest inside?” he suggested to his son.

Trenton moved back.

“Can I take that for you?” Hayes extended a hand to accept her bag.

She’d brought eggnog, two different kinds of alcohol, ingredients to make hot cocoa, and a surprise for Trenton.

Once she was in the foyer with her bag and purse on a nearby table, Trenton slammed the door closed. Though Hayes winced at the sound and the way the glass next to it jumped, he said nothing.

From the living room, noise blared.

“It’s a little chaotic,” Hayes said by way of apology. “Kiddo, go turn down the volume, please.”

“But it’s ‘Frosty,’ Daddy!”

“I think you’ll be okay if you’re close enough.” He shrugged. “Meaning within a neighboring state.”

Trenton scampered off, and Hayes seized the moment to wrap her in his arms. His hard cock pressed into her soft belly, awakening arousal, making her tremble.

“I’m ready for you to submit to me.”

So was she. “Yes…”
