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“Miss Abigail! You have to see what Santa brought me.”

“I’d tell him to let you get settled first, but I don’t think it would work.”

“Definitely not on Christmas morning.”

Taking her hand, Hayes led her into the living room.

In the few short days since she’d been here, there’d been an explosion of frivolity.

A massive tree flirted with the ceiling. Wrapping paper lay in shreds. Toys, books, puzzles, plastic building blocks, and even a new Bonds device were haphazardly on the couch, coffee table, even the floor.

Surprised, she looked at Hayes. “This was a lot to put together in a short time.”

“My chief of staff came in handy.”

“And you said he—she?—even arranged for the meal?”

He nodded.

“I’d say everything is perfect.”

“Please leave us a five-star review, Abigail.”

She and Hayes exchanged grins, but Trenton piped up. “It’s Miss Abigail.”

“Thank you, young man.”

Abigail laughed. “So much for us outsmarting a computer.”

“Chief of staff, if you please, ma’am.”

“I stand corrected.”

Abigail grabbed the bag from the foyer and put the eggnog in the fridge and lined up the bottles of brandy and bourbon on the counter.

“Now can we have breakfast?” Trenton asked before going immediately back to the television.

“I made him wait until you got here.”

Hayes cooked—messily and with minimum competence—but he wouldn’t allow her to help. Instead he poured her a cup of coffee and hummed while he prepared the meal. Then he called out to Trenton. “Hey, kiddo? Come set the table, please.”

All of a sudden, he didn’t seem to be able to hear his father, making her grin.

“I’ll make you turn off the TV.”

“Coming, Daddy!”

Their exchange—and undeniable bond—filled her heart with happiness.

Finally the pancakes were ready, and some of them were almost burned. But the bacon he’d cooked in the oven was crisp, and the scrambled eggs weren’t too dry. Still, since she didn’t have to cook, the meal was perfect.

Sitting down to eat at the same table where Hayes had so recently devoured her made her blush.

After breakfast, she insisted on helping to clean the kitchen, and Hayes filled in the details about his trip to Aspen, including the way Trenton had been excluded from all the activities between his mom and Duggie.

“She hasn’t called him once.”

Refusing to say anything bad about the ex, she wiped her hands dry. “He has you.”
