Page 105 of Sleep No More

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“You’re right,” Ambrose said.

She blinked. “About what?”

“I am in serious danger of pissing away a career,” he said. “For the past few months I’ve had good reasons for not being able to write. Insomnia. Nightmares. Sleepwalking. The fear that I might be going mad.”

“I know. I understand.” She sighed. “On top of everything else you were being manipulated by the virtual assistant from hell. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be able to write now that you’ve got some answers and a plan for the future. You’ve been sleeping much betterlately, and you haven’t had any sleepwalking incidents since that last one in Carnelian.”

“I’m not as worried about the insomnia and the sleepwalking now,” he said. “But I’m still in danger of pissing away my career.”

Pallas stared at him, alarmed. “I’m sure you’ll be okay. You just need to give yourself a little more time to adjust to your new normal.”

“Who needs normal?” Ambrose said. “You and I are never going to be what other people would call normal. What Ineedis the answer to a different question.”

“Right. The question about who funded the Sleep Institute. I understand, believe me, but just remember you are no longer looking for the anonymous donor on your own. You’re part of theLost Night Filescrew now.”

“That’s not the question that’s going to keep me awake tonight,” Ambrose said. “What I want to know is, do you think you could learn to love me? Because I fell in love with you the day I met you in the Carnelian Psychiatric Hospital for the Insane.” He groaned. “And doesn’t that rank up there with the worst romantic lines ever uttered?”

She stared at him, stunned speechless. Unlike all those times when he had known she was off-balance and had reached out to catch her, he made no effort to steady her now. He just watched her, not touching her, waiting for her to find her equilibrium. Waiting for her to make the decision.

She put her fingertips on the side of his face and opened her senses. A soft, gentle sense of balance and harmony whispered through her.

“Do you really have to ask?” she said. “Can’t you see the answer in my aura?”

“I can see a lot of things in your aura, and I am enthralled with all of them,” Ambrose said. He caught her wrist and kissed her palm. “But I can’t see the answer to my question. I need the words.”

She moved her hand to his shoulder. The heat of his body radiated through his shirt, warming her to her core.

“I love you,” she said. She leaned into him and brushed her lips across his. “I’m not sure when I first knew it, but I do know it. I have never been more certain of anything in my life.”

“That’s all that matters to me.”

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close and tight against him. He did not say anything else. Instead he covered her mouth with his own.

She went into the embrace with all the delight and passion and satisfaction she experienced when she knew what was needed to bring harmony and balance to a space.

Right energy. Right man.


The Lost Night FilesPodcast

Episode 6: “The Disappearance of Brooke Kendrick”

Podcast transcript:

Pallas:Her name was Brooke Kendrick. She was a software engineer who lived alone and worked from home. She must have had difficulty sleeping. Perhaps she suffered from nightmares. What we know is that a few weeks ago she checked into the Carnelian Sleep Institute in Carnelian, California, to undergo an overnight sleep study. She was attached to several electrodes that recorded everything from her heart rate and oxygen levels to her eye movements. There was a camera on her at all times while she was asleep in room B at the Institute. But at approximately two o’clock in the morning, she disappeared.

Amelia:No one reported her disappearance. No one seemed to notice that she was gone. There was no body. No police investigation. Later it was discovered that someone attempted to destroy all of the records of Brooke Kendrick’s appointment at theInstitute. We know now that she was murdered in room B. The question is, why?

Talia:This is the story of a cold case that involves murder, illicit drugs, and dangerous research into the paranormal. Welcome toThe Lost Night Files. We’re in this together until we getanswers.
