Page 24 of Savage Alpha

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“Atta girl.” I grab a fresh plastic fork, loading it up with the dessert before leaning over to bring it to her mouth.

Lo leans in to meet me halfway, opening to accept it. Her lips close around the fork and I pull it back, then her eyes slide closed as she chews, humming in satisfaction. They flutter open to meet mine after she swallows, and as she licks her lips, my gaze drops to track the movement of her tongue.

How does she even make simple things like eating look so damn sexy?

I’m in big trouble with this girl. I’ve never been so attracted to someone in my life, and it’s driving me half crazy to keep my hands to myself.

Paciencia, Javier.

If I jump the gun on getting physical, I could ruin everything.

As I clean up the takeout containers, Lo gets up and wanders over to the wall of windows at the rear of the cabin, peering outside at the night sky. I’ve gotta admit, even though it’s in rough shape, this cabin is pretty fuckin’ cool. It’s wooded out front, so it feels private and secluded, yet out back the trees fallaway to reveal an impressive view of the mountains. The light of the moon casts a glow upon the rocky peaks, and I can only imagine what they look like from this vantage point in the light of day.

Once I’m done tucking everything away in the paper bag I brought it here in, I join Lo by the windows, stepping up behind her and brushing my knuckles down her arm. “Enjoying the view?” I murmur. I feel her shiver and she subtly sinks back into me.

“The stars are so beautiful from here,” she says softly.

“You’re beautiful.”

She turns her head, tilting her chin up to look at me over her shoulder as she rolls her eyes. “Whatever.”

“Excuse the fuck outta me, but have you ever looked in a mirror?” I lift a hand to brush a stray strand of hair out of her face with my fingers, staring into her blue eyes. “Hermosa.”

Her expression softens, the enraptured look on her face telling me she’s putty in my hands. When I grasp her hip to spin her around, she doesn’t resist. Not even when I lean in, taking her chin in my hand and brushing my lips against hers. “Perfecta.”

Lo’s eyes flutter closed, her soft body pliant as I wrap an arm around her waist and her panted breaths of anticipation give me all the permission I need to continue.

She wants this.

I need this.

Grasping her chin between my thumb and forefinger, I lift it, bridging the gap between our mouths and crushing my lipsagainst hers. They pout and twist, sliding against mine gently at first, then suddenly harder, more demanding. Any sense of holding back I had goes out the window when her lips part and the tip of her warm tongue grazes mine. I taste the lingering sweetness of our dessert on it and tilt my head to deepen the kiss, sweeping my own tongue into her mouth with reckless urgency, my grip around her waist tightening and my hand sliding up to cup her jaw.

Lo’s tongue tangles with mine and she makes this little mewling sound into my mouth that goes straight to my cock. It punches against my zipper, suddenly rock-hard from a little making out like I’m a goddamn teenager again. I start walking us backwards, not breaking our kiss for a second, even as I lower her back onto the couch and settle my body on top of hers.

Her fingers sink into my hair, tugging at the strands like she’s trying to get me even closer as she devours my mouth. The tang of her arousal hangs heavy in the air, and a growl rumbles in my chest as I tug her lower lip between my teeth, biting down gently and eliciting a sweet moan that makes me even harder. Her legs fall apart, inviting me in, and I grind my erection against her center as I kiss her harder, trailing a hand down to squeeze her right breast.

She gasps into my mouth, her back arching off the couch as her nipple hardens beneath my palm. Her tits are small, but they feel perfect in my hands. Every inch of her is utter perfection, and I want to simultaneously thank and curse fate for putting this goddess in my path.

This was never part of the plan. The more time I spend with Lo, the more I lose sight of what I came here for in the first place, though. She’s a beautiful distraction, an alluring diversion, but Ican’t allow this intense chemistry between us to overshadow my true purpose. I just have to figure out how I can still accomplish my goals while keeping her. To have my cake and eat it too, as they say.

Because now that I’ve had a taste of her sweetness, I’m already addicted. Lo’s still kissing me like her life depends on it, and I slide my hand down from her breast to her thigh, tucking my fingers beneath the hem of her dress and rucking it up to her hip.

Mate mate mate.

That annoying voice in my head is back, along with the intense urge to stake my claim over the woman beneath me. Her skin is scorching hot under my fingertips as I slide them up to the apex of her thighs, brushing against the fabric of her panties.

Fuck. She’s soaked.

I can feel her arousal through her underwear, practically tasting the scent of it in the air. It’s like a drug; a more intense version of her signature floral and citrus scent that drives me fucking wild. I slide my fingers over to the seam of her panties, about to delve underneath them when Lo abruptly breaks the kiss, pulling back with a ragged intake of air.

“Maybe we should slow down.”

Her words are the equivalent of being doused with a bucket of ice water.

I blink at her in confusion, my heart still beating a riot in my chest. “Are you a virgin?”

“What? No,” she snaps defensively, wriggling out from underneath me and sitting up. “I’ve had sex.”

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