Page 23 of Savage Alpha

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“Of course,” I reply nonchalantly, shrugging a shoulder like it’s no big deal even though I had to drive forty minutes to the nearest city to get it. I mean, I can’t exactly waltz into one of the towns within the six-pack territory to pick up takeout. It was a pain in the ass to make such a long trip for something as trivial as a meal, but seeing the look in her eyes right now reaffirms that every second of that drive was worth it.She’sworth it.

Lo pushes the door closed behind her before crossing the room to me, her sky-blue sundress swishing around her toned thighs as she walks. The color of her dress matches her eyes almost perfectly- and I should know, because I’ve memorized those eyes. They’re the focal point of all my fantasies lately.

She lowers herself into the chair and I slide it forward with ease, moving aside to take my own seat. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I just got a little bit of everything.”

Lo pins her bottom lip between her teeth as her gaze flits over the array of takeout containers arranged on the table. “You didn’t have to do this.”

“Yes I did,” I reply smoothly. “I wanted to impress you, and…” Her gaze lifts to meet mine and those baby blues make me momentarily lose my train of thought.Damnit this girl throws me off balance. She raises a brow expectantly, waiting for me tofinish, and I clear my throat before steering the train back on the track. “Anyways, I’m totally nailing this, aren’t I?”

“What, impressing me?” She tilts her head, a coy smile playing on her lips.

“The whole date thing. I don’t have much practice.”Or any. “Not that I’m against it or anything, but with moving around all the time…”

She narrows her eyes in suspicion. “What about the girls in your pack?”

“Dating within my pack would be too messy,” I reply with a wince.

“This is messy,” she snorts, gesturing between the two of us.

I cock my own head, the corner of my mouth lifting in a teasing smirk. “Is it?”

“Sneaking around? Meeting up in abandoned cabins?”

“Abandonedhauntedcabins,” I amend.


I make a big show of looking around, holding out my hands. “I dunno, this all seems pretty romantic to me. Good food, candlelight, a beautiful woman…”

A delicate blush forms on her cheeks. “Stop.”

“Stop what? We’re just getting started, babe.” I toss her a wink, reaching for one of the takeout containers and peeling off the lid. “So, are you a lasagna girl? You seem like a lasagna girl.”

“Sure, lasagna’s good.”

I scoop out a serving onto the paper plate set in front of her, the plastic fork bending beneath its weight. “I also got cavatelli, chicken piccata, ravioli…”

“Jeez, how much do you think I eat?”

“You’re a wolf,” I deadpan. Then I shake my head, heaving a sigh. “Aw man, don’t tell me you’re one of those chicks that lives on salads, or this’ll never work.”

A giggle slips from her throat as she picks up her fork and carves off a piece of the lasagna on her plate. “No, but Idoenjoy the occasional salad.” She smirks as she lifts the bite to her lips, taking it into her mouth as I watch her with rapt attention.


She nods enthusiastically as she chews, then swallows, picking up the paper napkin beside her and dabbing the corner of her plush lips. “Delicious.”

Her approval makes me feel like a million bucks, a grin permanently etched on my face as I plate up some lasagna for myself and dig in.

The conversation flows easily while we eat, and even though Lo initially poked fun at the amount of food on the table, she still tries everything I put in front of her until we’re both uncomfortably full. She even acts like the cheap red wine I brought is halfway decent. All in all, as far as first dates go, I’d call it a success. And it isn’t even over yet.

“Save room for dessert?” I ask with a wag of my brow, pulling over the only unopened takeout container and popping the lid.

She leans back in her chair with a groan, pressing a hand to her flat belly. “There’s no way I can fit anything else in my stomach.”

“C’mon, this place is supposedly known for their tiramisu,” I urge, nudging her foot with mine beneath the table. “Just a bite?”

She narrows her eyes on me in consideration while I hold her gaze. “Fine,” she ultimately relents, holding up a finger. “One bite.”
