Page 29 of Savage Alpha

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“I knew it!” Chey exclaims victoriously, slinging another pebble my way.

I slap it out of the air, shaking my head with a bashful grin.

“So,Lo,” she repeats slowly, as if she’s testing out the way it sounds on her tongue. “Sexy name. What’s it short for?”


Her brow furrows in consideration. “Hmm, less sexy, for a girl.”

I chuckle lowly, already feeling lighter now that my secret’s out in the open. Well, it is to Chey, at least, and she’s the only one I really wanted to tell. “Yeah, she’s named after some dude.”

“So you’ve already got something in common then,” she remarks, relaxing back on her palms again casually. “So where’d you meet her?”

I wince. “She’s from the six-pack. The sister of one of the alphas.”

Chey hisses in a breath through her teeth. “Dang. Playing with fire.”

“It’s not like I planned it,” I grumble, scrubbing my hands over my face. “I mean hell, I wasn’t supposed to go near their territory on the full moon, but…”

“Wait, what?” Chey blurts, pushing off her hands abruptly to sit up. She blinks her amber eyes at me, any trace of playfulness gone from her expression. “The full moon?”

I snap my mouth shut at the realization of what I just revealed with that simple admission.

“Javi, is she…?” Cheyenne leans forward as she trails off, dropping her voice low. “Did you find your fated mate?”

I nod tightly and her eyes light up.

“Oh my god!” she whisper-shouts, practically squirming with excitement. “Wait, but…” she trails off again, and I can practically see the pieces fitting together in her brain as her smile fades. “You don’t want D to know.”

“Nope,” I reply, popping the P.


We sit in silence for a long moment, tension ratcheting up between us without another word. Neither of us have to say what we both already know. My mother has always tried to control every aspect of my life, and if she finds out about Lo, our relationship will be over before it starts.

“Well, tell me about her,” Chey finally breathes, giving me a little nod and smile of encouragement.

“What do you wanna know?”

She shrugs. “What’s she like?”

I sit back with a sigh, resting on my elbows and gazing up at the canopy of leaves overhead. “She’s smart. Way too smart for me, there’s no way I’d ever win an argument against her.” I pause for a beat as a chuckle rumbles in my chest. “And she’s not the type to back down from an argument, either,” I continue, wetting my lips with my tongue. “I’ll bet she’d talk circles around me until I just got confused and gave up.”

“Hmm, I like her already,” Chey remarks.

“Yeah, I bet you would,” I snort. “Actually, she reminds me of you in some ways. She’s easy to talk to. Calls me on my shit.” My ab muscles constrict as I sit up, meeting Cheyenne’s eyes. “And did I mention how smart this girl is? Enough to work in IT for the six-pack. Fucking beautiful, too.”

“Well obviously,” she scoffs, like good looks are a given. Though most shifters tend to be above average when it comes to attractiveness.

I heave another sigh, raking a hand through my hair. “She’s great, Chey, likereallygreat. We’re still getting to know each other, but I’ve yet to find something about her that I don’t like. And you know that’s huge, coming from me.”

She laughs softly. “Coming from the guy who’s always actively looking for a flaw? Yeah, that’s huge.”

“I’m not always looking for flaws,” I scowl, brushing the dirt off my calves. “I just don’t see the point in getting in too deep with someone if we’re just gonna pick up and move again in a month or two. So far, nobody’s been worth sticking around for.”

“But she is?”

I nod. “Yeah, I think she is.”
