Page 28 of Savage Alpha

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Atta girl.

“Alright, I’m gonna come at you from the left this time and try to take you down,” I say, coaching her through it so she has a better chance of being prepared to fend me off. “You know what to do.”

She nods, a spark of determination glinting in her amber eyes.

I launch my body forward, kicking up dirt as I lunge for her. She’s quick to turn toward me and throw up her fists, but once again, she doesn’t have enough control over her movements. As soon as she tries to throw a punch, she leaves herself open, and I’m able to easily duck her blow and slam my chest against hers, taking her straight down to the ground.

We hit the dirt hard, a pained grunt escaping both of us upon impact. She doesn’t pull her arms in like I taught her, though, and within seconds I have her pinned, her wrists secured beneath my hands on either side of her head.

“You’re not keeping your guard up, Chey.”

“I’m trying,” she grits out, uselessly fighting against my ironclad grip.

“Not hard enough,” I say sternly. “Remember what I taught you about getting out of a hold?”

“Yeah, go for the nuts.”

Before I can react, she lifts her knee, jamming it straight into my balls.

An embarrassingly high-pitched squeak leaves my throat as pain lances through my body like a lightning strike, so intense that I’m instantly nauseous. My muscles go rigid with tension and I fall away from her, rolling off to the side and landing on my back on the ground beside Chey, cupping my junk.

“That was a cheap shot,” I choke out, fighting off the wave of nausea.

Chey barks a laugh, sitting up and dusting the dirt off her forearms. “Oh c’mon,Alpha, I was just following your instructions,” she teases.

“Tell that to my future children,” I groan, still panting through the pain. “Or don’t, because I’m pretty sure you just ruined any chance of me having them.”

She rolls her eyes, chuckling to herself as she pulls up her knees and loops her arms around them. “So dramatic.”

I lie there for a few minutes longer, waiting for the ache to dull and my stomach to settle. Then I finally sit up, shooting her a glare as I scooch around to face her while cupping my balls protectively.

“Sorry,” she says with a wince, regretfully glancing down at my hand. “I probably shouldn’t have done that. I was just pissed off.”

“I know, but leave my nuts out of it next time,” I scowl.

“Noted.” Her gaze lifts to meet mine, and though her words are sincere, her lips quirk like she’s fighting a smile. I hold eye contact, daring her to crack, and a few seconds later we’re both laughing, any animosity between us already forgotten.

“So you’re not giving up on me?” she asks, hanging her head and peeking at me through her eyelashes sheepishly.

Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes. “Of course not. You know I’ve got you.”

Chey smiles, and I savor the way it looks on her face. It’s something I haven’t seen enough over the past two years. She’s slowly starting to become more comfortable in her own skin again and move on from what happened, but if it were up to me, I’d raise Paul from the dead just so I could kill him all over again for what he did to her.

“So another late one last night, huh?” Chey sighs, her gold ponytail swishing behind her as she leans back on her palms.

I arch a curious brow. “You keeping tabs on me?”

“Just lookin’ out,” she shrugs. “D was sniffing around again.”

“Great,” I mutter.

Chey cocks her head, lips spreading into a smug smirk. “So who is she?”

My pulse picks up speed. “Who’s who?”

“C’mon, Javier.” Chey scoops up a pebble, tossing it at my chest. “You think I don’t know you by now? There’s only one thing that could be taking you away from your pack duties, one reason you’d be glued to your phone and smiling like an idiot every time you get a text. So, who is she?”

I blow out a slow breath as I pull up my knees, resting my forearms upon each and hanging my head between them. “Her name’s Lo.”

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