Page 40 of Savage Alpha

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“What?” she asks innocently. “Now that Madd and Sloane are mated, it’s only a matter of time before the rest of you start finding your own mates. That’s how it happened with me and my friends…”

If only she knew.

“I think everyone finding their fated mates within the span of a year is the exception, not the rule,” I remind her as I slip my feet into my shoes.

“Maybe, but yours could be right around the corner. You never know…”


She laughs softly, shaking her head. “Just keep your eyes open, that’s all I’m saying. Hell, it could be someone you already know. Tristan’s looking pretty handsome these days…”

I throw up a hand, cutting her off. “Okay, first of all, Tristan has a massive crush on Andie. It’s obvious to everyone but her. And second, wouldn’t that be a little incestuous? We may not be blood related, but we share cousins.” I screw up my face in a grimace. “Gross.”

“Well, what about the Raines boys?”


“Okay, okay,” she laughs, deriving way too much amusement from this. “I get it, you’re not interested in finding your mate yet.”

“Thank you,” I sigh, smoothing a hand over my hair. “Why don’t you bug Iver about this instead, he’s the one who needs a luna.”

“Oh trust me, I’ve already got him matched up with someone in my mind,” Mom answers with a sly smile.

“I don’t even wanna know,” I mutter. I pull open the door, flooding the hallway with sunlight as I pause to look back at her. “Tell Dad I said bye?”

“I will,” she nods.

“And please, try to remember to lock your doors next time if you’re not…” I lift a hand to make air quotes with my fingers, “expecting company.”

“Duly noted,” she snorts. “Let me know how it goes in IT. I’m invested now.”

“Will do.” I blow her a kiss, stepping outside into the warm sunshine. I’ve got a couple of hours left to put this new plan into action over in IT before I have to start getting ready for my date with Javi tonight. I still feel a little guilty about sneaking around with him, but if I start to at least make progress with the task I’ve been set to in IT, then that should count for something, right?

At least that’s what I’m telling myself. But guilt has a strange way of tainting everything it touches, and if I’m not careful on this tightrope I’m walking, I’m at risk of losing everything.


I’ve been keeping an eye on the woods across from the motel all afternoon, waiting in anticipation for the usual signs of a shift change in the surveillance the six-pack put on us. As soon as I see the guy who’s been in position this morning begin his retreat, I sneak around back of the motel and pick my way through the woods until I get to my usual crossing further down, trekking silently through the forest on the other side of the road back toward the motel. I’ve memorized their schedule, and if I’ve got the pattern right, the spy I’m waiting for should show up right about…

“Luke, right?”

He whips his head around at the sound of my voice, his shaggy brown hair flopping in front of his eyes. Reaching up to push it back, his green-eyed gaze widens as it meets mine.

“Yeah?” he replies nervously, eyes darting back and forth.

“The other guy already left,” I say, tossing a thumb over my shoulder. “He usually cuts out a few minutes early, probably something you should mention to your boss.” I flash him a friendly smile as I advance closer, my gaze dropping to the camera in his hand. “Taking your spying to the next level, huh?” I ask, gesturing to it.

His jaw goes slack, mouth opening and closing like a fish. “I…”

“Hey, it’s cool, just make sure you get my good side, okay?”

Luke’s face screws up in confusion, brows drawing together. “Your what?”

“My good side.” I flash him another wide grin, squaring my shoulders and turning my head slightly to the left. “See what I mean?”

“Um, sure,” Luke mumbles, his panicked gaze still darting around. “Listen, man, you can’t be out here talking to me…”

“C’mon, I thought we were buds!” I declare, feigning offense. “I mean, why else would you have given me your friend’s phone number? You wouldn’t have handed it over that willingly if you thought I was a bad guy, right?”
