Page 41 of Savage Alpha

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He shakes his head, shaggy hair bouncing. “I can’t give you any more numbers.”

“I don’t need a number,” I say, sinking into a casual stance with my thumbs tucked into my pockets. “I need a favor.”

He eyes me dubiously. “What kind of favor?”

My grin widens now that I’ve got him on the hook. Honestly, it’s a little too easy. Someone who can be swayed by a smile and a few friendly words probably shouldn’t be entrusted with security.

“So I’ve got this girl,” I begin with a wistful sigh, “and I’m kinda crazy about her.” I gesture toward Luke, aiming to pump up his ego. “You get it, right? You’re a good-looking guy, I’m sure you pull a lot of tail.”

It works like a charm. He stands up a little straighter, puffing out his chest and lifting his chin. “I do alright.”

I clap a hand down on his shoulder, leaning in. “Well from one ladies’ man to another, you know how women can be. Some of them are tough to impress.”

“Yeah,” he snorts. “Some chicks are more trouble than they’re worth.”

His insinuation pisses off my inner wolf, who has become increasingly defensive over Lo. Suddenly I’m closing my hand around Luke’s shoulder, squeezing until he flinches. I quickly pull my hand back, dropping it to my side and shoving my agitated wolf back into the recesses of my consciousness. “Trust me, this one’s worth it,” I say with a wink.

“So what’s the favor?” Luke asks cautiously, shuffling his feet in the dirt.

“I’m supposed to have dinner with my girl tonight, and we’re kinda in the middle of nowhere here. The closest pizza joint is over a half hour away, but you guys have a pizza place in town, right?” I ask, knowing damn well they do because Lo mentioned it the other night.

“Um, there’s one in Stillwater,” he mumbles.

“So can you help me out and get me a pizza?”

“I can’t leave my post.”

“Oh, I don’t mean right now. Tonight, around seven? That’s when you’re done here, right?” I shove a hand into my pocket and pull out a roll of bills, peeling a couple of twenties off. “I’ll meet you where the road for your territory comes out on highway four.” I peel off one more twenty, holding the stack of bills out to him. “You can keep the change, for your trouble.”

It stings a little bit to part with so much cash for a damn pizza knowing how hard my pack works for everything we earn. But I can’t risk driving so far out of town to get food again; not while my mother’s watching my every move like a hawk.

“Um, yeah, I guess I can do that,” Luke agrees, taking the money from me with a lopsided grin.

“Thanks, buddy,” I say, flashing him another winning smile. “I owe ya one.”

I arrive at the cabin a little early that evening so I can gas up the generator I brought along and get it running. It’s not the biggest one we’ve got, but it provides enough power that when I try the switch inside the front door, the lights come on overhead, bathing the interior in light. Unfortunately, that only calls more attention to how dirty the place is, so I spend the next twenty minutes sweeping and dusting and wiping downsurfaces, wondering when the hell I went from formidable Alpha to cleaning crew.

Not that Lo isn’t worth it. This shabby cabin is our place now, so I might as well put in the effort to make it a little more hospitable while we continue to meet here. Luke came through with the pizza and I’ve got it waiting on the kitchen table along with a couple of paper plates, plastic cups, and a cheap bottle of wine. And even though we’ve actually got lights now, I still spark up the candle for ambiance.

As soon as I hear the crunch of gravel beneath the tires of Lo’s car as she pulls up outside, I spring to my feet, heart pounding at a chaotic rhythm. It’s weird that I still get a little jittery with anticipation every time I see her. I’ve never been nervous around women before, but it’s different with Lo. She’s not just any woman- she’s the perfect woman; my fated mate.

When the door swings open, the sight of her takes my breath away. She’s dressed in a sage green sundress and sandals, effortlessly beautiful in her casual attire. Her long blonde hair is gathered in a single braid over her shoulder, wispy strands falling loose to frame her face, and her wide blue eyes sweep over the interior of the cabin before locking on mine.

I clear my throat, gesturing to the table beside me. “I brought…”

Before I can finish getting the words out, Lo suddenly rushes toward me, her lithe body slamming into mine and knocking the air from my lungs. Her lips seek out my own, our mouths fusing together in a wild tangle of lips and tongues and teeth. I drink her in like I’m dying of thirst, wondering how the hell I survived the first twenty-seven years of my life without this woman in it- and, more importantly, how the hell I can possibly keep her.

Her hands sink into my hair, tugging on the strands to drag me closer while my arms wind tightly around her waist until there isn’t an inch of space between us. Unlike the other kisses we’ve shared, there’s nothing shy or reserved about Lo’s actions this time. Every slide of her lips and sweep of her tongue are determined, like she knows exactly what she wants. And damnit, I’ll give her everything I have.

We’re lost in the kiss for several solid minutes, and when we finally break apart to come up for air, Lo’s eyes are glassy and her lips are deliciously puffy. She blinks her mascara-slicked lashes, cupping my jaw like she’s trying to anchor herself as she pants to catch her breath.

“Well damn, what was that for?” I chuckle, loosening my grip around her waist.

“The lights, Javi!” she exclaims, throwing up an arm to indicate. “How did you get the lights to work?”

I shrug nonchalantly. “I have my ways.”

“And the pizza?” she adds, peeking around me. “Is that Dino’s?!”
