Page 61 of Savage Alpha

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Some things are worth the risk.

Avery leads the way, the two of us swimming over to the opposite side of the swimming hole before pulling ourselves up out of the water onto a rocky outcropping.

“I’ve gotta say, I’m impressed,” Avery comments as she offers me a hand, helping me to my feet. “I wasn’t sure you had it in you.”

“Guess I’m full of surprises,” I mumble, eyeing the jagged path up to the ledge.

“You certainly are,” Avery says cryptically, shimmying past me to grab onto a tree root jutting out from the rock, beginning her ascent.

I watch where she places her hands and feet, worrying my lower lip between my teeth as I memorize her path upwards. Then, drawing a deep breath, I begin to follow, watching after her as I climb, duplicating her technique.

The roar of the waterfall drowns out the sounds of chatter from Sloane and Andie on the shore, but when I glance back over at them, I see that they’re watching us. I wonder if they think I’m crazy for doing this- while it isn’t surprising for Avery to pull wild shit, it’s definitely out of character for me to volunteer to join in.

Avery pulls herself up onto the highest ledge, turning around and sticking an arm over to help me up. I grasp on, feetscrabbling for purchase against the rock as I haul myself up, panting for breath.

“See, it’s not so bad,” Avery remarks, helping me to my feet beside her.

The rock ledge is plenty wide enough for the two of us, but that doesn’t make it any less scary. From up here, the drop to the water looks even longer, my stomach bottoming out as I cast a wary glance over the edge.

“Any last words?” Avery jokes, knocking her shoulder into mine.

I grasp onto her arm to steady myself, shooting her a scowl. “Hey, careful!”

“Oh, calm down,” she admonishes, waving me off. “You already did the hard part by climbing up here. The jump’s the best. But just in case you die, you might wanna confess all your secrets.”

“How comforting,” I snort.

“C’mon,” Avery urges, smirking and crooking a finger at me. “Spill.”

I glance out over the water again, chewing on the inside of my cheek. “There’s nothing to tell.”

“No? Not even a secret love affair?”

I whip my head around to gape at her, my eyes flying wide. “What?! No!”

Avery grins, grabbing my hand and leaning in close.


She leaps out over the water, her hand still firmly clasped around mine to yank me with her.

A blood-curdling scream tears from my throat as the ground disappears beneath my feet, my body hurtling downward. I barely have time to register what’s happening before I plunge beneath the surface of the water, my skin burning on impact like I’ve been slapped and my body sinking into the depths of the swimming hole.

Avery’s hand tugs on mine and I kick my feet, swimming upward as air bubbles stream from my nose. When I finally break the surface, I gasp for air, hacking and coughing and whipping around to cut Avery a death glare.

“What the hell?!” I demand, splashing water into her face.

She laughs, splashing me back. “That was fun, wasn’t it?!”

I’m not sure what it is- the shock of the fall, the rush of adrenaline, or Avery’s contagious laughter- but suddenly a wave of giddiness washes over me and I’m laughing right along with her like a crazy person, throwing my head back and dunking my hair in the water.

“You’re insane,” I declare, dissolving into another fit of giggles.

“Yeah, well you came with me, so you must be too,” she retorts, throwing an arm around my shoulders. Then she leans in close, whispering in my ear. “And don’t worry, Lolo. Your secret’s safe with me.”


Avery knows.
