Page 75 of Savage Alpha

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I’m left with no choice other than to get back in my truck and drive away, even though it kills me to leave here without seeing or talking to my mate. There has to be some explanation; something that I’m missing. And standing here in this parking lot isn’t going give me any answers as to what went wrong.

My heart is racing the entire way back to the motel. It’s a miracle I don’t crash by the way I’m speeding down the forest road, only half paying attention to the view out the windshield while I comb over every detail of our last interaction in my mind.

That night in the cabin was epic- I can’t recall saying or doing anything that would’ve upset Lo, and if I did, she certainly didn’t let on. Even our kiss goodbye before parting ways was charged with potent energy; the passion behind that kiss definitely didn’t lend itself to anything being amiss between us.

I continue trying to call her as I drive, but my efforts are in vain. She doesn’t pick up. And after I park in front of the hotel and storm from my truck into my room, I try to call one more time.

It rings.

And rings.

“Fuck!” I yell, throwing my phone down on my bed. It skids across the faded comforter, crashing into the wooden headboard with a thud.

My inner wolf is so close to the surface that my skin is prickling with the instinct to shift. I’m practically vibrating with agitation, trembling with the effort it’s taking to keep him contained. I can’t recall another time when he’s ever been this insistent; like he could very well tear through without permission.

Yanking my shirt off over my head, I turn back around and charge out the door, bound for the forest surrounding the motel. I’m so worked up that I’m no longer thinking straight- the only thing that’ll calm me down right now is letting my inner beast take over.

As soon as I round the corner of the motel, I kick off my boots, shove my jeans and boxers down my hips, and call him forward. My bones snap and rearrange, the air around me shimmering as I take on my wolf form, hitting the ground on four paws and sprinting away as fast as I can.

I let out a low howl as I run, picking up speed. My paws pound harshly against the jagged terrain, but I welcome the pain as a distraction from my anger, the tightness in my chest dissipating as I give myself over to my wolf.

It’s a temporary comfort. I may not be able to outrun my problems, but maybe he can.


“Who keeps calling you?” Andie asks suspiciously, glancing toward my phone as it vibrates on my nightstand, moving closer and closer to the edge with each ignored call.

She sits up from her spot beside me on the bed to get a better look at it, and I immediately reach out to snatch up my phone and turn it over. Not before she sees the name on the screen, though.

“Who’s J?” she questions, wrinkling her nose.

“Nobody,” I reply quickly.

Apparently, my response is less than convincing. Andie arches a brow, studying my expression for a long moment before asking, “Is it the guy you’ve been sneaking around with?”

My jaw goes slack, eyes bugging out. Rule number one of having a secret affair should be knowing how to respond when you’re called out, but I’ve never claimed to be skilled in the art of deception. I’m a shitty liar, and Andie knows it.

I drop my gaze to my lap, wringing my hands nervously. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble.

I can feel Andie’s stare practically burning a hole in the side of my head. “C’mon, Lo,” she sighs. “We’ve been best friends for how long now? You think I don’t know?”

I lift my chin, meeting her gaze again as I press my lips into a tight line.

She could be bluffing. Andie has employed that tactic more than once to get me to spill the beans. I suppose I could bluff right back, try to beat her at her own game, but honestly, I’mtired.

I’m tired of sneaking around and keeping secrets. I’m tired of isolating myself and dealing with all of this on my own. I’m just…tired.

“How?” I whisper, forcing back the sting of tears I feel forming behind my eyes.

Andie’s eyes round in sympathy as she reaches out to grab ahold of my hand. “Okay, Avery told me,” she admits, giving my hand a little squeeze. “I knew you’d been off lately, but I figured you were just stressed with work. Then Aves called this morning and said you were dealing with something boy related and might need me, so here I am.”

I chuckle wryly, shaking my head. It’s ironic that Avery, of all people, is the one meddling here. She refused to meddle in Madd and Sloane’s relationship, and it turns out she could’ve savedthem eight years of heartbreak if she’d just pried a little. Go figure that I’m the one affected when she decides to turn over a new leaf.

I can’t find it in me to be angry with her, though. I reallydoneed Andie right now. I feel like my heart is splintering down the middle; I’ve never dealt with emotions of this magnitude before. I’m being crushed beneath the weight of it all, and just having my best friend here beside me makes the burden feel a little lighter to bear.

“You wanna tell me what’s going on?” Andie urges, staring into my eyes earnestly as she sweeps her red hair behind her ears.

I swallow hard, giving a little shake of my head. “Doesn’t matter. It’s over now.”
