Page 83 of Savage Alpha

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I suppose part of me should be relieved about that. I mean, the bond has been messing with my emotions for weeks. The troubleis, even without it, Istillfeel like my heart is splintering in two, which only confirms that my feelings for Javi aren’t entirely fueled by our mate bond. They’re real.

Which only makes his betrayal hurt more…

Seth strides over to the door and pulls it open, grumbling an irritated, “what do you want?” to the person on the other side, and I lean forward curiously to get a look at who it is.

My heart drops when I see her- Javi’s best friend or mate or whatever the fuck she really is to him.

“Alpha needs you,” she says in a clipped tone as she pushes past Seth into the room, her gaze skipping over me to land on his friend. “Both of you.”

“For what?” he asks suspiciously, eyeing her up.

“He’s meeting with all the enforcers to give orders,” she replies smoothly.

I didn’t get a good look at her before, but seeing her now, the photos with Javi didn’t do this girl justice. She’sbeautiful. Not only that, but she exudes self-confidence, staring Seth down in a way that brokers absolutely no room for argument. If I didn’t hate her, I’d admire her.

“What about the girl?” Seth questions, throwing a thumb in my direction.

She finally swings her gaze over to me, the ghost of a smile crossing her lips. “I’m taking over babysitting duty.”

The two men share a look, pausing in indecision, but she quickly snaps them out of it.

“Are you two really going to keep your alpha waiting?” she barks in annoyance, gesturing to the door. “Go!”

They both mumble discontentedly under their breath as they hustle out of the room, closing the door behind them and leaving me in here alone. Withher.

As soon as they’re gone, she moves over to the bed, glancing down at the cookies wrapped in cellophane she left here earlier with a frown. “You didn’t eat.”

“And let you poison me?” I scoff. “No thank you.”

She heaves a sigh, scooping up the package and twisting it open. “It’s an arrowroot biscuit made with processed borax,” she murmurs, plucking a cookie out and thrusting it toward me. “It counteracts wolfsbane.”

My eyes bounce between her face and the cookie in her hand warily.

She blows a stray strand of hair out of her eyes, shifting the package into her left hand and extending her right one toward me. “Sorry, we haven’t formally met. I’m Cheyenne.”

The collar of her loose t-shirt shifts with her movement, and my gaze snags on the little white scar at the junction of her neck and shoulder, standing out in contrast to her tan skin.A mate marking.

“I know who you are,” I mutter, denying her gesture by folding my arms over my chest.

She pulls her hand back, lifting it to comb her hair out of her face with her fingers. “Okay, I’m gonna let that slide because I’mbetting you’re really confused right now, but don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll be besties in no time.”

“I highly doubt that,” I mumble.

I guess I can be a jealous bitch even without my wolf.

“How long are you planning on keeping me here?” I demand, emboldened by the wave of anger that her mere presence brings forth. “I’ll have people looking for me, you know.”

Cheyenne’s lips spread into a smile. “Actually, I’m about to bust you out.” She tosses me a wink, then spins around and struts over to the window, pulling back the curtain a couple inches to peek outside. “In like… ten minutes.”

I flinch back in surprise, my mind reeling. “Why would you want to help me?”

“Why wouldn’t I?” she asks, her back still to me as she peers out the window. “I’ll do anything for Javi.”

The way she says that puts a sour taste in my mouth, but I don’t respond. It’s possible that she sees me as a threat; Ihavebeen fucking her man, after all. Or maybe she’s being a good Samaritan, coming to the aid of another woman in trouble. Whatever her reasoning for aiding my escape, I should probably just keep my mouth shut and go along with it- captivity definitely doesn’t agree with my high-functioning anxiety.

“Will you just eat the damn biscuit?” Cheyenne sighs, spinning back around and tossing the cellophane wrapped bag into my lap. She lifts the one she took out previously to her lips, taking a big bite. “Not poison, see?” she announces as she chews.

I drop my gaze to the package of cookies resting in my lap, still unsure. If she reallyistrying to poison me, my dormant wolf won’t be able to help me heal from it. But if she’s not, then this is the quickest way to counteract the wolfsbane and get my strength back.
