Page 82 of Savage Alpha

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“You think they don’t already know we have her?” I ask wryly. “They could be working up their own counterattack as we speak. This could ruin everything…”

“Oh, they don’t know,” she chuckles.

I narrow my eyes on her suspiciously, arching a brow. “What makes you so sure?”

She grins smugly. “Because we have their scout.”

My brows shoot up, and she’s quick to read the look of surprise on my face, shaking her head with another chuckle. “Honestly, Javier, you don’t give me enough credit. You should know I don’t act rashly.”

I’m almost afraid to ask, but… “Where is he?”

“He’s being held in Hank’s room,” she replies flippantly. “You should probably take care of him.”

‘Take care of him’.

Just what I need right now, more blood on my hands.

I grit my teeth, turning away from her so that I can school my expression before she sees the resentment in it.

“And Lo?” I question, swinging my gaze back on her once my poker face is firmly in place.

Her brows draw together in confusion. “Who?”

“The girl.”

She rolls her eyes, waving a hand. “I don’t care. Keep her if you’d like.”

My stomach sinks. The fact that Lo is a mere afterthought to her tells me exactly where she fits into my mother’s scheme.

She’s expendable.

My gaze shifts over to my phone resting on the table beside my mom. She follows it, reaching over to tap a fingernail against the screen once more. “I’ll handle getting the alphas here,” she says, lifting her hand to point the same finger at me. “You handle the scout and getting our shooters in place.”

I nod in agreement, turning on a heel and heading for the door without another word.

Delilah Cruz is crafty at only letting people see what she wants them to, and she’s taught me well.

I just hope she bought that.


“I’m pretty sure tattoos don’t make you impervious to silver.”

“Think about it. Shifters have to mix liquid silver in the ink so that our healing abilities don’t just force it out, right? And people can become resistant to illnesses by being exposed to small doses in vaccines. So, if you’ve been exposed to small doses of silver multiple times through getting tattoos, wouldn’t that make you resistant to it over time?”

“But a silver bullet’s different. Your body can’t force it out like a regular bullet.”

“Ah, but maybe if you’ve built up a resistance, it could…”

I roll my eyes, letting my head flop sideways against the pillow to stare at the wall instead of looking at these two assholes. I feel like my intelligence level is actually dropping by the minute as a result of being stuck in this room listening to Dumb andDumber prattle on about nonsense. The creepy one- who I’ve since learned is named Seth- must fancy himself some sort of scientist, because he’s been on this tirade about silver for the past half hour now, as if he’s suddenly cracked the code on how to become bulletproof.

If I had a gun right now, I’d love to put his theory to the test.

Since I puked my guts up all over the carpet, he and his buddy have been acting like I’m not even in the room, which is perfectly fine by me. My entire body is achy from the way the wolfsbane coursed through my bloodstream like liquid fire. I’m not sure how long I was out, but the dosage must’ve been high to knock me on my ass like this. It’s as if the drug completely sapped my energy, leaving me feeling like I just ran a damn marathon.

I need to get my strength back. After getting physically ill at the realization that Javi played me, I took all of those emotions and locked them away in a box in the back of my mind so that I can focus on what’s really important right now:getting the hell out of here.So, while these two idiots have been jabbering on about nonsense, I’ve been assessing my surroundings and trying to come up with a plan. This damn wolfsbane needs to wear off already, though, because I won’t be able to physically overpower these guys in my current state.

I flinch at the sound of a sharp knock at the door, jolting up to sit and staring toward it anxiously. With my wolf suppressed, I can’t feel whether or not it’s Javi on the other side. It’s like our bond has gone dormant; for the first time since it snapped into place, I don’t feel it straining in my chest like an invisible tether, seeking its other half.
