Page 87 of Savage Alpha

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“Okay,” he breathes, nodding. Then, gritting his teeth, he pushes off from the wall, folding the envelope and tucking it into his own pocket. “I’ll do it.”

I heave a sigh of relief, clapping a hand down on his shoulder. “Thank you,” I rasp, giving him a nod. “I’m counting on you. We all are.”


“Where have you been?” my mother snaps in irritation as I cross the parking lot of the motel to join her. “They should be here any minute.”

“I’m here now, aren’t I?” I sigh unapologetically, scrubbing a hand over my face. I’m emotionally drained, but that bodes well for the cold, aloof demeanor I’m aiming to project right now. The one she needs to see.

Over the past hour, I’ve met with every last member of my pack to prepare them for what’s about to happen. The pack enforcers are in position, and the others are tucked away safely in their motel rooms, under strict instruction to stay put until further notice. As long as Luke came through with the letter, this should work, and nobody has to die here today.

My mom cuts me a glare of disapproval as I step up to take my place at her side. “And the shooters?”

“They’re ready,” I reply blandly, keeping up the façade of being her obedient lapdog.

How did I never notice that all this time, she was using me like a puppet while she was pulling the strings?

The sad fact is, my love and respect for my only living family member blinded me to the reality of who Delilah Cruz actually is. Her own indoctrination is too deeply entrenched for reversal, and as much as it pains me to blindside her like this, I’m done with her using me to perpetuate her cycle of hate.

This ends now.

The rumble of an engine draws my attention to the road as a Jeep Wrangler comes into view, pulling off into the lot of the motel and rolling to a stop. The doors fly open and I watch with bated breath as Maddox, Iver, Tristan, and the Raines brothers pile out, none of them wearing the easy smiles I saw on their faces in the weight room this morning. They all look surly as fuck, and I can’t say I blame them.

“Where are the others?” my mom hisses under her breath, nudging me with an elbow.

I don’t respond. I have no idea what she sent from my phone to get them here, but the fact that she was expecting more of them bodes well for Luke’s successful delivery of my letter. I hold my breath in anxious anticipation as the guys start to advance, my heart slamming against my ribcage.

They only make it a few steps before my mother holds up a hand confidently, signaling for them to stop.

“That’s close enough!” she calls out. “You’re surrounded.”

I turn to look at her as the five of them grind to a halt, taking in the sadistic smile curling her lips.

This was never about our pack.

This has always been abouther, and I’m just thankful that I started seeing things clearly before it was too late.

I look back toward the guys as Maddox breaks away from the others, stepping out in front of them and folding his thick, tattooed forearms across his chest. “We agree to your terms,” he announces, the low, dangerous tenor of his voice echoing around us.

I blow out the breath I was holding in relief.

So Luke made it to them after all.

“Whatterms?” my mother spits, her eyes narrowing into mean little slits. “There are notermshere, boys, and if you want your precious little princess back, you’re going to have to get through my son first.” She grins smugly, tipping her head toward me.

I slide one last glance her way, though I don’t regret what I’m about to do.

Sorry, Ma. Game over.

Shoring up my resolve, I begin my march across the parking lot.

“What are you doing?!” she hisses out angrily, grabbing for my arm in a feeble attempt to stop me. Her fingernails graze my skin, but I keep on trudging away from her, not looking back.

“Lo’s already gone,” I call out to my mom as I approach Madd and the others. I come to a stop beside him, turning back around to face her while Ares and Iver rush in on either side of me, yanking my arms behind my back to restrain them as I finally meet her gaze, staring her down. “It’s over, Ma.”

I wince as Iver wrenches my arm roughly, his hand gripping my wrist so hard that the bones grind together. Looks like it’s gonna take some work to get back in Lo’s brother’s good graces after this mess.

My mom’s mouth falls agape, her eyes rounding in shock. “What are youdoing, Javier?!” she demands, the shrill tone of her voice betraying her budding panic.
