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Sophie cocks her head. “I know they’re down to clown, Riley. Nice try. But I thought that stopped.”

“Yeah, it hasn’t.” I suck air through my teeth.

Sophie rubs her eyes. “Okay, we have to change topics or I’m going to want a drink, and I can’t have one.”

We all laugh, and a warmth rushes over me. It’s so nice to have friends I can share everything with, which wasn’t always the case. I fill them in on the details of the Rilox ruse, and I’m so glad to get advice and support. Smith said we couldn’t tell anyone, but I trust Skye and these two with my life. I’ve been through everything with them, and since things with my parents are complicated, they’ve become family.

“Maddox deets, Riley.” Eva sets down her notebook. “I don’t care if Sophie can’t deal.”

“There are no deets to give, really. I mean, besides the feel of his naked body on top of mine.” I snicker.

“And his big dick didn’t tempt you? Like at all? Because I’m tempted, and I don’t even like the guy.” Eva bites her lip. “Although for me, it could be because I’m desperately horny.”

Sophie frowns, dunking her tea bag into the water. “Since Eva’s about to have kittens, I’ll bite. So, Riley. You’re tempted, then.”

I blow out an exaggerated breath and say, “Yes. I’m tempted. And you two haven’t seen this yet, but wait until the scene where Agent Bryce strips for Agent Sullivan airs. I think it turned out steamyville.”

Eva rubs her hands together. “This is such great dirt. I can’t believe how badly I’ve needed this. Tell us more. More, more, more.”

Sophie pinches her lips together with her fingers.

“I don’t know.” I wring my hands before finally making it over to sit in Sophie’s chair that faces the couch. “We have this wild chemistry on air. That’s probably why they cast us together. I mean, I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”

“No, it absolutely is not.” Eva’s head bob is out in full swing.

“But that’s where it ends. We even had to practice how we’ll show affection. He barely knows I exist in real life. Plus, I know how he is.” I kick off my shoes and curl my feet under me. “Maddox Winter is a notorious player. I mean, he’s never had a serious girlfriend. And, he goes through them like, well…toilet paper.” I nod to my dress hanging on the door, which, by the way, is stunning. I can’t put it on now because there’s a chance I could destroy it, but Sophie’s going to use my measurements and make sure it’s adjusted to fit.

Sophie sighs wistfully. “Maddox has been a player since I’ve known him. But Lucas wasn’t exactly the settling-down type either. All that changes when they meet the one.”

Eva nods her head furiously. “I can’t speak to that personally, but I believe in the concept ofthe one, theoretically. I have to—otherwise, I’d thrust myself on a rusty sword.”

Sophie rubs Eva’s back. “You’re the busty beauty with brains. The total package.”

I add, “And you know my cousin’s head-over-heels in love with you, right?”

My cousin on my dad’s side, West, has had a thing for Eva for over a year now. However, the poor guy has entered the dreaded friend zone. But he’s so cute, in a techy dork sort of way, and I hope someday, Eva will finally realize that they’re perfect for each other.

Eva says, “West is amazing, but he’s also my best friend. And I don’t know if I havethosekind of feelings, you know?”

“Well, you could find out,” Sophie pipes in.

“No way.” Eva’s palm is up. “I am not destroying a friendship over a one-night thing that could end in disaster.” She sighs. “Back to Riley’s problem. Where were we?”

“I think you were going to tell me how to pull all this off.”

“My mom’s your publicist now, right?” Sophie asks.


“I hate to say it, but Mom’s a good one to have on your team. You know she’ll turn everything upside down, but she makes shit happen.”

“Believe me, I know.”

“And you’ve got the list of detailed personal information—habits, fetishes, likes and dislikes, favorite foods and restaurants, idiosyncrasies—about each other, right?” Eva, an ex-lawyer, starts her deposition.


“And a schedule?” Eva ticks off each thing with her fingers.
