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“I remembered rather belatedly that you didn’t want him to know, either,” he grumbled, grimacing. “But Toren’s no fool. He no doubt realized that there was no point in trying to stop us from going, no matter the situation.”

They reached the end of the long passageway. Ber placed his hand on the door and closed his eyes to scan the room beyond. Empty, the protective spells undisturbed. He let his senses sweep farther through the complicated escape chambers that led to the final exit point: a stone door that emptied into a cave. There were no signs that anyone had passed through the shields in ages.

“It’s just as I remember it when my father first showed me this path,” he said with a quick smile for Tes. “But he couldn’t unlock this door as I can.”

She blinked at him. “I thought he was keyed to the protections.”

“As much as he could be.” Before she could stop him, Ber pressed the back of his arm against a sharp piece of stone and pressed slightly until the rock bit through the skin. “Without great magical force, the only way through is Eyamiri blood.”

“I’m beginning to think your founding ancestor was a little disturbed,” Tes muttered.

He chuckled—he’d had that thought more than once himself.

The door drifted open without a sound, and they slipped through. “Could you close it behind us?” Ber asked as he hurried to a small fountain inlaid in the nearby wall. He held his arm beneath the cool water and watched as the cut slowly closed. “If the first king was disturbed, he was at least meticulous. There are also spells to erase all traces of blood.”

“Please tell me you don’t have to do that at every door.”

Ber shuddered. “Thankfully, no.”

They passed through the remainder of the passages quickly, finally emerging from a cave into the bright light of mid-morning.Time for a bit of pretend.Although he hadn’t detected anyone nearby, they had to take every protection possible.

He made a point of stopping just outside and stretching before sending Tes a lascivious look. “Worth stopping here for the night, love? I imagine I kept you warm enough.”

Though she rolled her eyes, a flush reddened her cheeks. “Lower your voice! What if my husband finds out?”

“Oh, I imagine he’d kill any man who touched you,” Ber said cheerfully. “How about we hurry up before you’re late arriving home?”

He could tell she’d slid into her role when she pressed up against his side. “I have a better idea. Let’s run away. We could pretend to be refugees returning to Centoi, then just keep going. We’ll tell everyone you’re my husband.”

“Dearest, there’s going to be a war.” Ber did his best to sound both cowardly and indulgent. “There must be somewhere better.”

Tes scoffed. “Like my husband would follow somewhere dangerous.”

“He would for you,” he countered, knowing without a doubt that it was true. “But fine, lovey. We’ll try it your way. Anything to have your sweet cun—”

“Enough talking.” The red deepened in her cheeks as she interrupted the lewd words he’d been about to say. “Let’s go.”

With a laugh, Ber followed her from the clearing.

They keptup the ruse all the way into the outskirts of the city and through the luncheon they bought at a tavern near the Mage’s Guild. Fortunately, Tes had detected no hint of a continuous presence, and she’d sensed no one near the cave where they’d emerged. By the time they reached the mage standing outside the utilitarian stone building housing the portal, they’d shifted their disguise to something closer to the truth.

“Are you citizens of Centoi?” the woman asked in a bored, tired tone.

“Yes,” Tes answered truthfully. “My husband was originally Llyalian, but he became a citizen of Centoi when we wed. We were here visiting his family. But with war brewing, we would like to return home.”

The mage frowned at Ber. “You’re abandoning Llyalia forthat landafter they tried to have our sweet princess murdered?”

Ber stiffened, and for a moment, Tes feared he might ruin their disguises. “We are no supporters of that tyrant,” he said tightly. “But my wife has family who must be taken care of, and we’ll no longer have help if we wait too many days more. High King Toren, Gods bless him, has decreed that all are safe who don’t oppose him. Why would we not return to see to my wife’s kin while King Ryenil is brought to justice?”

Of course, the mage didn’t have to know that seeing to Tes’s family and bringing the king to justice were one and the same.

“I…I see,” the woman said, staring at them for an endless moment. But finally, she nodded. “Fine. You’re approved to go through the portal, but be sure you remember our king’s kindness in the face of treachery.”

They gave their assent before being waved on to join a long line stretching along the side of the building.Another obstacle overcome.Tes took a deep breath and squeezed her husband’s hand. They’d made it out of the palace and to the escape portal without detection.

Now they had to survive once they reached Centoi.

Chapter 52
