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It would crumble today if she faltered.

She would have to make sure she didn’t.

As the day leaned toward evening, they reached some of the larger towns surrounding the capital city. Again at Selesta’s prompting, Tes and Ber rode through the center of each one with as large of an honor guard as they could fit. Tes did draw her sword then, lifting it high to the cheers of her people. She’d never seen fear shift to celebration with such speed.

Exhilaration swept her up on its tide each time, yet her neck prickled from the stares cast by the king’s guards. None of them dared attack with the Aony army surrounding the city and the honor guard riding with bows or swords drawn. But would they have, otherwise? She didn’t know how many were still loyal to her father, and it would take years to find out for certain.

Lady Selesta drew up beside her as they rode. “I’m sorry to put you at risk, but I’m glad you agreed to lead the troops. I don’t believe I’ve seen such cheering before. When your father visited Aony, the celebrations were much more…cursory.”

“Perhaps,” Tes allowed. “But it’s difficult to say whether the King’s Guard is equally celebratory.”

Ber caught her eye. “I think most will be. You can be sure that I will find out who isn’t.”

“If you’re not too busy sitting on the throne at my side,” she said, smiling.

“I would rather not,” he muttered, and a sudden, sharp bolt of pain pierced her heart. Had he changed his mind about ruling with her? But he must have seen the hurt in her expression, forhis next words came in a rush. “I meant that I would rather not sit through daily court meetings the way Mehl does. It is time better spent on other matters, at least at times.”

Relief eased away the hurt. “I plan to reduce morning court to three or four times a week, though probably not at first. It has done Toren no harm to do the same.”

Ber grinned. “Will you bring our children as my brother does?”

“Perhaps,” she said, letting the mental image overtake her for a moment.

It would be a sight Centoi hadn’t seen in generations. Her father had included her only in what she’d needed to rule in the far-distant future, and that wouldn’t have included holding a fussy baby on his throne. In fact, she could recall a single instance of him comforting her at all. Even the elders amongst their people might be surprised by any hint of familial joy from the royal family.

Out of all the shocks they could deliver, that would be the best one.

“Are you prepared for this?” Selesta suddenly asked. “I’m not sure what he’ll do now that you’re with me so visibly. We’ll no doubt be summoned before the camp has even been started.”

Tes shrugged. “I think we must be prepared for anything.”

And it was true. Her father wanted Selesta, but the lady had obviously aligned herself with his hated daughter. There was every chance his greeting would be more forceful than welcoming. Really, Tes almost hoped it would be. She would relish the chance to confront him in battle.

Any familial loyalty she’d felt for him was long gone.

Ber should have been comfortedby the cheers they’d received, but each stop had only increased his tension until his horse had grown skittish beneath him. He couldn’t blame the poor animal for the confused, concerned twitch of its ears or the occasional wayward tug against the reins. Not when he couldn’t identify the exact source of his uneasiness himself.

Hopefully, it was the coming confrontation—he was hardly prescient, after all.

The outer walls of the royal city came into view, and Ber abruptly sensed Halueth’s energy at the edge of his shields. A request for communication? Frowning, Ber opened a tentative link.“What is it?”

“Whatever you do, don’t camp for the night,”the guard sent with no preamble.“Not unless it’s a ploy. Ryenil is enraged that Lady Selesta has arrived with you and Queen Etessa. He’s ranting about how his bride has been poisoned against him and how he’ll have the lady abducted in the night. Even with an army, I wouldn’t count on safety.”

Ber sighed. Maybe hewasa little prescient.“She expects to be summoned with her honor guard.”

“If so, it won’t be in a friendly way, I’m afraid.”Halueth paused.“Please watch for Araxa. She’ll be looking for a way to slip you an item the globemaker wanted to pass along.”

“What of the inner palace guards?”

“Most will support Queen Etessa, but there is one contingent still faithful to Ryenil,”the man answered.“But I suppose that’s the way of it. Some will cling to any hope of power, and in this case, they’ve wagered on him being the one to give it.”

Ber nodded.“Unfortunately true. Thank you, Halueth. I’ll be certain that the others are aware of the situation.”

“You think so, too?” Tes asked.

His focus snapped immediately to his wife. “Think what?”

“Well, you nodded readily enough.” Her brows drew together. “Do you think we’ll immediately be summoned?”
