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Starting here. Once again, he swept his gaze over the empty courtyard in front of the main entrance and noted the complete absence of guards. As his brother had said, it was too easy. This had to be a trap, one that could cause massive losses no matter who won.

The main doors creaked open, the grinding squeal scraping across his nerves like rough stone over skin. There was no way the king would send someone to greet them. Surely not. It would be too arrogant even for him.


An arrow hurtled straight at Tes from somewhere above, so sudden that he barely had time to brace his hand on the pommel, much less lean in front of his wife. Still, he might have managed it—if the arrow had made impact. Instead, it sliced into themagical shield surrounding her and dissolved with a crackle and a sharp pop.

Energy drained from Ber so quickly that it drew a gasp from his lips. But he righted himself in the saddle quickly, his gaze following the trajectory to a narrow, slitted window. Watching the spot, he poured the last of his accumulated energy into Tes’s shielding and sent his brother a request for more.

For once, Toren’s upset was a good thing, for magic flooded through Ber readily. His wife’s shield was at full capacity by the time they sheathed their swords and dismounted. “I’ll go first,” he snapped.

He slipped in front of Tes before she could answer—but he wasn’t alone. Guards swarmed around them, lifting shields high to block any new arrows. Orders to protect the queen were shouted down the line until it became a veritable chant. Even the unarmed onlookers took up the cry.

Lady Selesta stepped up beside him. “Ready?”

Ber nodded, though worry still assailed him.

Either they would win—or they would die.

Tes bitback a wave of irritation and focused on glimpsing what she could around the veritable wall of shields—and, of course, her husband. It was logical that they wanted to protect her. If she fell to a surprise attack, there would be no one who could challenge her father, not with such ease. As for Ber, he wanted to keep his wife and unborn child safe. She couldn’t begrudge that.

But she hated it.

Still, she said nothing as they guarded her up the stairs to the suspiciously open main doors. If the chamberlain appeared with some snooty message, she would have to push her way to thefront to stab the odious man. He made a great deal of profit from her father’s excesses, so he would be no ally. But when a figure appeared in the doorway, it was an ally who greeted them.

“Welcome, Your Majesties,” Halueth said. “Most of the palace guard stands ready to protect you. Those loyal to Ryenil remain in the throne room.”

“Thank you for all that you’ve done,” Tes said as Halueth stepped aside to let them through. Lowering shields, the guards who’d protected her from arrows shifted to surround her, Ber, and Lady Selesta.

Unlike the Llyalian palace, the official rooms weren’t off the main entry for easy public access, so they started the long walk down the grand corridor. The royal guards stood at attention along the path, but for the first time in her life, it made Tes uneasy. It was entirely possible that some of them were loyal to her father. Any of the guards around them could be.

Tes kept that thought in mind as she climbed the massive, ornate staircase leading to the throne room. Here, the broad landing in front of the doors wasn’t just lined with guards—the bravest of the nobles clumped together near the walls on each side. A storm of whispers and cries broke around her as soon as they caught sight of her.

“It’s the princess!”

“The Jewel of Centoi? Inarmor?”

“But His Majesty swore she was dead.”

“She’s with Prince Ber.”

As the cries threatened to swirl into mayhem, Tes drew to a halt, lifting her hand for silence. Surprisingly, she got it. “My father,” she began in a calm, clear voice, “Has shattered the peace of this kingdom. He has tried to assassinate King Toren of Llyalia as well as King Toren’s infant heir. Ryenil even planned to murder me and steal my son. I was forced intohiding to prevent that very thing. I recommend you choose your allegiances carefully.”

“Those are quite the claims, Your Highness,” Lord Vulwin said, taking a single step forward. “I have heard nothing of such plots.”

Ah, the court gossip. Tes smiled. “They wouldn’t have stood a chance of success if you had.”

Ignoring his surprised sputtering, she continued forward. Let him consider whether she’d intended insult, for soon, he would have plenty of other things to talk about. Or complain about, most likely. He wasn’t the worst of the courtiers, but he had his share of excesses that she would soon cut off.

“Move over, Ber,”she sent.

Although he was in front of her, she could practically hear his frown.“It’s not safe.”

Tes hid a snort.“What about any of this is safe? I’ve put up with the protectiveness until now, but I’ll challenge my father face-to-face. Not while peeking around you.”

She could have sworn he growled a little beneath his breath, but he shifted to the side to allow her to advance. Without hesitation, she strode forward to fill the gap between him and Lady Selesta. Tes rested her hand on the hilt of her sword and advanced on the throne room doors like the gods’ own spirit of doom.

She was no longer surprised when the doors opened. Her father wanted her to come to him, that was clear. No doubt, he either intended to use her or kill her. Probably the latter. At least twenty guards filled the throne room, and a line of them faced the doors with arrows aimed her way.
