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“Naturally,” Ber agreed. “I am here to serve.”

Of course, he was here to serve Tes—and Tes only—but the king didn’t need to know that. The man would hardly understand it even if he did.

Tes lifteda tray full of snacks almost no one would eat and wandered through the large, airy room where the courtiers gathered to exchange gossip and make plays for power. Over the centuries, she’d done this task more than once, for it provided excellent insight. She’d often learned of new alliances before her father did.

She didn’t hurry toward the spot where Duke Aony and his sister held court. Aside from not wanting to be too obvious about her interest, she hoped to find a moment when Aony had slipped away. He’d never learned of this particular disguise, at least not to her knowledge, but she would rather not spend any time in the man’s presence.

Fortunately, his renewed popularity after receiving the king’s open favor had the pair separated in due course. The duke was in his element, making deals of questionable virtue in the search of power, but it was more difficult to discern how Lady Selesta felt about the attention of the ladies. It couldn’t have been comfortable, for their lack of sincerity was obvious.

Tes made her patient way ever closer. For once, she was more thankful than annoyed that few accepted one of the desserts from the tray she carried. The sad waste of food served a greater purpose at the moment. She had no reason to return for a new tray, which would have delayed her journey across the room to where Lady Selesta chatted politely.

Tes had just neared when one of the ladies made her excuses, and her companion followed, giving Tes her chance. She slipped up beside Lady Selesta and curtsied as she lifted the tray. “Pardon me, my lady. Would you like a bit of cake?”

Though not expressly forbidden, a servant speaking first bordered on impertinence to many nobles—the very reason Tes had chosen to do so. The lady passed the first test by giving her a slight smile. “I would love some, but not at the risk of my dress. I do thank you for offering.”

“You are too kind, my lady. Oh, youmustbe the new lady His Majesty favors,” Tes gushed. Then she shoved her hand over her mouth in mock horror even as she made note of Selesta’s quickly hidden grimace. “My lady, please forgive my impertinence. I beg you not to tell my superior.”

“Of course, I won’t.” Lady Selesta’s expression tightened. “You honor me greatly, but I’m afraid I’ve done nothing to warrant such…unfathomable favor.”

Tes bobbed another curtsey. “You’re kindness itself, my lady. If you should change your mind about cake, just give me a little nod, and I’ll run right back over.”

“Thank you,” Lady Selesta answered softly.

At the other end of the room, a murmur arose. Then the herald called out the arrival of the king and crown prince. In the flurry of curtsies and bows, Tes’s heart slammed in her chest. Her father almost never attended such things, but she should have anticipated that he wouldn’t stay away from his latest obsession. And that meant danger. He would ignore a servant, but if she remained by Selesta, he might give Tes more regard.

Or worse, scan her energy.

Tes turned to slip back into the crowd, but a hand on her wrist drew her up short. “Oh, I’ve a smear of cake on my dress,” Lady Selesta cried, an edge of panic in her tone. “Could you see me to the ladies’ retiring room for a quick spell-clean before His Majesty sees it?”

Tes couldn’t help but quirk a brow, considering the woman had refused the cake. But to her surprise, Selesta now held one of the tiny plates, and a crumb of cake was decidedly smooshed between a smattering of delicate crystals on her bodice. Tes blinked.

“I decided I couldn’t resist, but then the announcement…” Lady Selesta’s eyes welled with tears. Actual tears. “Please help quickly.”

“Of course, my lady,” Tes said. “We’ll see your dress fixed right away. The entrance is just over here.”

Uneasiness and appreciation coiled through Tes in equal measure as she led Selesta the short distance to the retiring room. That had been a neat, quick trick. They both knew thewoman hadn’t changed her mind about the cake before the announcement, but Tes couldn’t fathom what the lady expected her to think of the matter.

Of course, she might not anticipate a servant thinking at all.

Thanks to the king’s arrival, the room was completely empty, anyone who might have been resting now out there to gawk. Selesta set the plate down on the nearest table with a delicate clatter. But when she turned to face Tes, it was with fire in her eyes.

“Why don’t you tell me why you really approached me?” the lady demanded. “I’ve been toyed with enough by my brother,princess. I don’t need to be taunted by the supposedly dead.”

“What?” Tes gasped.

She couldn’t help it. Here in Centoi, she’d never been uncovered. Not by anyone she’d known, and certainly not by a stranger like Lady Selesta. To her recollection, the lady had never been to court at all. There was no reason for her to know what Tes looked like.

“You know, there was this time when I was…oh…five, I suppose.” Selesta waved her hand. “The king and his retinue visited our castle. I was strictly forbidden from leaving my rooms, which meant I had to sneak out. And what should I see but a servant kissing Prince Ber? Deliciously scandalous. Of course, it was a great surprise to peek over the balcony to find that servant wearing a tiara and dancing at the evening ball.”


“Don’t bother denying it.” The lady moved closer, something intense and possibly dangerous shifting in her gaze. “I’m not the decorative fool my brother believes. Much like a certain princess, I do suspect. Perhaps we can find a way to work together.”

Tes licked her suddenly dry lips, at a loss for words for once. Was this threat or hope? It was impossible to know for sure, and no matter how she answered, there was risk.

A risk she might have no choice but to take.

Chapter 26
