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As usual, he only had deflection at his disposal.

“In either scenario, there would be no blood ties to you, Your Majesty. The people of Centoi would be more resistant to joining the kingdoms in such a case, I believe,” Ber said, praying his tone remained bland. “Perhaps once enough time has passed, I should wed one of Tes’s cousins. Then a son of ours could marry the princess of Llyalia.”

It was barely better, but at least it was a distant enough possibility that he could prevent it from coming to pass.

Ryenil’s lips pursed. “That has potential. You got a child on my daughter readily enough.”

Ber took a too-small sip of wine, when he wanted a gulp.Really, a whole barrel wouldn’t provide enough oblivion from this.Where was Tes? He’d expected her to return for her revenge a solid month ago. He’d dreamed of it. Of course, as soon as Toren told her the truth of what had happened, she would rush here to call Ber a liar—pointedly.

He could think of little better than her blade cutting out his shriveled, wasted heart.

Tes leanedback in her seat and patted her belly with a sigh. “Food always tastes better away from court.”

“One of the few perks of recovering from childbirth,” Ria agreed, grinning. “It made me happy to hear about all the festivals and feasts, but I was glad that I didn’t have to do more than wave and hold Elna for a couple of them.”

“You’ve settled on a nickname, then?”

Her friend nodded. “Mehl preferred Nari, but that rhymes too closely with Eyamiri. So, we decided on Elna, at least around friends and family.”

“You know I understand that problem,” Tes replied.

Though she didn’t prefer it, her son’s full name was Sperano. Speran Breren would have been…unfortunate, and she’d yet to think of an alternative to her hated last name. Taking Ber’s name risked other complications, since it belonged to the ruling family of Llyalia. When she returned to her rightful place in Centoi, she wanted no hint of a rumor that she hoped to set up Speran as an heir to Toren’s throne.

“Listen,” Ria began, her tone turning hesitant. “I know you’re worried about the situation in Centoi, and I’m pretty sure you’re planning to slip out of here as soon as you feel ready. But…”

Tes gave a grim smile. “Areyougoing to tell me not to kill Ber, too?”

“Too?” Her friend’s brows drew together. “Let me guess. Mehl.”

“No,” Tes said. “Toren.”

“Toren? But he can’t—”

“Talk about it,” Tes interrupted, patting Ria’s hand. “He did his best to tell me that without reallytellingme, and I think he managed not to break his oath. Either way, it doesn’t matter.”

Before she could explain why, the door to the sitting room opened, Toren’s voice preceding him. “And frankly, I don’t care if they ate so quickly that they have indigestion. They’ll have to be satisfied that we attended at all.”

Mehl was rubbing his brow when he followed his husband in.

The High King might have agreed to attend formal dinners again, but apparently, he didn’t intend to be particularly accommodating about it. Tes smiled. It was something she admired about the man, in truth. He cared for his people, buthe wouldn’t let them interfere with his family life any more than necessary.

“Both babies are happily sleeping upstairs,” Ria said as Toren dropped a kiss on her head. “You could have taken your time.”

“No,” Toren said. He straightened, and the grim expression on his face nearly made Tes regret having eaten. “I wanted to talk to Ryssa while the children are resting. It’s…certain to be upsetting, and crying babies would in no way help.”

He’s already spoken to Ber.

Tes gritted her teeth and nodded.

With a shake of his head, Mehl disappeared through the door to their dressing room, but instead of moving to change out of his formal clothes, Toren leaned against the back of Ria’s chair. “I’ve gained permission to tell you.”

Ria tilted her head back to gape at her husband, but Tes merely nodded again. “Fine. Let’s hear it, then.”

Toren wasted no time. “According to Ber, he started spying for my mother when he first went to Centoi to apprentice. He claims your father tried to have us betrothed, and when my mother refused, he attempted to have me assassinated because of my power,” Toren said.

“He wanted us to marry?” Tes couldn’t help but wrinkle her nose at the thought. “No offense, but…no.”

The king’s lips twitched. “None taken. I’m grateful to my mother for allowing me my own choices. However, if my brother is to be believed, his presence in Centoi was to ensure that remained the case.”
