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“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here sooner, love,” Toren said. Then he grimaced. “Not that I did any good this time. I suppose he’ll no longer accept a mere shadow of a substitute.”

Before he could think of an answer, Speran leaned back, and Ber shifted his hold out of instinct. Did the child want down?Of course, he doesn’t want down. He can’t walk, idiot.Then his son’s eyes caught his, and he patted his tiny hand against Ber’s cheek. In that moment, it no longer mattered that he had no clue what to do. The love that swamped him…

He would figure it out.

For Speran, he could figure anything out.

How couldone’s heart be shattered and be made whole all in the same moment? Yet Tes could think of no other way to describe it. Every lost moment and future opportunity coalesced inside her until she worried she might burst with it. By whatever fluke of fate or magic, Speran recognized his father. Their bond wasn’t a lost cause.

“Now that you’re here, we’ll take Elna to our room for a while,” Ria said softly.

Tes nodded her thanks, barely noticing as the other three departed. She could only stare at the transfixed expressions of Ber and Speran as they studied one another. It was adorable. It was heartbreaking. She wanted to laugh and weep in the same moment.

“What of his magic?” Ber asked, though his gaze didn’t leave their son.

“It’s too early to tell much,” Tes replied. “But he has a moderate amount. We’ll know what form it takes as he ages.”

At that, Ber finally met her eyes. “Yes, we will. Even if we have to leave Centoi to suffer its own mistakes. How could we possibly leave him again?”

Her heart turned over—then twisted in on itself with pain. “We can’t abandon so many.”


“You know what I say is true. You just haven’t had as much time to come to terms with it.” She eased closer until she could touch his arm. “We can take a few days, but we can’t hide like cowards.”

Though Ber’s jaw clenched, he nodded.

“How about we take a walk in the gardens?” It was the last thing she wanted, truly—except an argument with Ber. “Then the busybodies can see my child’s father once and for all. Your brother has seen to it that we needn’t stay in hiding while we’re here.”

They would just have to discover how to make the best ofthatsituation.

Chapter 34

The Monarch’s Garden

After Tes helped him don a soft cloth wrap, Ber set off with his family for the garden, his son snuggled against his chest. Though the wrap felt secure, he couldn’t help but keep his hand on his child’s back as they navigated the countless staircases down to the expansive gardens. Had there always been so many? He’d never been so afraid of slipping in his life.

But finally, they stepped into the late afternoon sunshine. The paths weren’t at their busiest, but quite a few nobles strolled the area. Ber frowned. They should have waited a little longer, for it wouldn’t be long until most returned indoors to prepare for dinner. Then again, there was something to be said for getting things over with.

Tes’s fingers twined with his. “Ready?”

“I suppose we must,” he replied.

So Ber lifted his chin and strode forward, careful to keep his gait smooth for Speran. Immediately, the courtiers forgot all semblance of manners and stopped what they were doing to stare. Ber chuckled low at the sight, for they looked as though a mage had cast a petrification spell upon them. Too bad he didn’t really possess that power.

The first few they passed barely managed to sink into wobbly curtsies and stilted bows. Ber studied their expressions, but in truth, it was a confusing mixture. He was usually greeted with banked fear or stifled hostility—and therewasfear—but this time, there was no small mix of confusion and uncertainty.

Ah, but then those lowered gazes shifted ever-so-subtly to Tes. Lips parted in awe, and the curtsies and bows deepened.“What did Toren say?”Ber sent to Ria.

Her brows drew together.“I don’t know. Ria didn’t have time to tell me.”

They’d barely made it beyond the first few courtiers when a voice rang out behind them. “Brother!”

Speaking of Toren.

Frustration simmered in his blood even as love softened his heart—a blend he was well-accustomed to. His soft sigh ruffled Speran’s hair as he released Tes’s hand and turned to face his brother. “Good afternoon, Toren. Did you settle little Elnaril?”

Some of the ever-present stiffness smoothed from his brother’s demeanor. “Yes, she is well. She finally fell asleep on Mehl’s shoulder.”
