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The woman bowed her head. “Our lady, the Duchess Aony, implores you to deliver her words unto the true sovereign of Centoi, Queen Etessa, and her husband, King Ber. The armies of Aony will gather in the Aoifo Valley at the base of the northern mountains in one week’s time. The Duchess will await Her Majesty deep within the Wenalk Forest some two weeks after that. If the queen so wishes, our armies will assist in reclaiming the crown from Ryenil.”

Silence descended. No tapping. Not even a hissed in breath. But of course, they all recognized the importance of that brief statement. Not only was one of the most powerful noble families—one with royal blood, in fact—openly acknowledging Tes as queen, but the messenger was willing to repeat the words. Without hesitation. Calling the king by his given name with no honorific could have seen the woman executed in Centoi.

Toren leaned forward in his seat, but whatever he opened his mouth to say was lost as Tes stood, her words ringing across the space. “I will accept her offer.”

Ber grinned.And Toren was worried about me.

Logic warnedTes that it could be a trap, but instinct screamed that this was precisely what she needed. Aony held a powerful contingent of the Centoi army. Having them on her side would sway many, even without a single blow being struck. And if given the right information, they could break through the palace defenses well enough to gain Tes clear entry.

“We will meet with Lady Selesta in three weeks’ time,” she said, hoping Ber wouldn’t be too angry at the promise.

Both messengers stood frozen, their eyes wide and their face gone pale. This time, the man recovered his composure first. “Is it truly you, Queen Etessa?”

Tes inclined her head. “Yes. My husband and I sought protection here in our brother’s house. My father will surely murder us at the first opportunity.”

“Forgive me, Your Majesty,” the woman said. “I hadn’t thought…”

Finally, Tes had cause to regret that she hadn’t taken more care with her appearance. But at least they couldn’t see the misaligned ties on the back of her dress. “I wear simpler attire here. It was an easy mistake.”

The pair apologized multiple times and even offered their oaths of loyalty. Although she accepted, Tes could barely focus on seeing the meeting to its end, for her mind kept mulling over the possibilities of Lady Selesta’s offer. There were many ways they could strike at the palace. Which would be optimal? Which might lead to disaster? Those were of far more concern than bidding the messengers farewell and watching them leave with Feref, though she did both.

After all, war was a consuming matter.

She was so deep in thought that the brush of air against her ear made her jump. “We need to talk about this,” her husband muttered.

Tes cursed to herself.I suppose Ber’s angry, after all.

Chapter 38


With a gentle squeeze to her waist, Ber prompted Tes to walk with him to the other side of the room where the others couldn’t hear. He didn’t look at his brother’s face to see his reaction. He didn’t care. All that mattered was making sure that Tes didn’t try to be heroic.

That she didn’t leave him behind.

“I realize that you’ll be queen, but you still should have consulted me,” he grumbled, careful to keep his voice low.

Tes grimaced. “I am aware. However, I will not give up this opportunity, no matter the risk.”

“Do you really think…?” He ground his teeth together before forcing out what he really wanted to ask. “Were you planning to go without me? To leave me here with Speran?”

Her brows rose. “No, but I would think the idea would please you. You wanted us both to stay.”

Gods, she was right about that. On a personal level, nothing would please him more than finding a private home for his family, perhaps the estate his father had left him. He hadn’tbeen there since his exile, but he had no doubt his brother had made sure it was cared for. It was a lovely place, though hardly a secret. It would be better to acquire another home, one that King Ryenil couldn’t find.

But that would make Tes miserable, and he refused to do that to her again.

“I want your happiness, and you will never have that unless we resolve this,” Ber said.

Tes took his hand in hers. “Thank you.”

“We don’t have to be at the Wenalk Forest for three weeks.” He traced his wife’s face with his gaze, memorizing her every feature.As if I don’t know it as well as my own.His lips curled upward. “I say for the next two weeks, we spend as much time as we can with Speran between training sessions.”

Her shoulders sagged, the tension dropping away from her like poorly fitted armor. “Yes, I would like that. And though I know you don’t get along with Mehl…”

Ber shrugged. “Sometimes, it’s better to train with someone who isn’t a friend.”

“You should give him a chance.” Tes’s sudden grin caught him by surprise. “But then you might have to find another training partner.”
