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“She’s sensitive to energy,” Toren said in a rough tone. “I’m afraid mine is still too heightened.”

Ber’s heart pinched at that. “Send me more.”

“I have no doubt strained you too much already.” A muscle in his brother’s jaw twitched. “All of you. It’s best I wait until I’m calm.”

He took a deep breath for patience and then gripped his brother by the shoulder. “Tor. I was able to use the power. It didn’t harm me. Now, I find myself wondering if it always should have been this way. One twin to hold and one twin to use.”

Toren’s gaze darted to his. “What? Yes, you cast a spell with it once, but—”

“Just think about it,” Ber interrupted. “In the meantime, send me the excess power and go hug your daughter.”

And for once, his brother shut up and did as Ber requested.

It took foreverfor Tes to feel clean, but finally, she was able to join the others. Not in the nursery—Ber had sent word that they’d gathered in the private sitting room adjoining the royal bedchamber. Energy tingled over her skin as she passed through the strong shielding on the door, but she shoved the sensation aside. Her focus went immediately to Speran where he bounced happily on Ber’s knee.

Despite his obvious pleasure, her son raised his arms toward her as soon as she neared. She swept him against her, his warm weight finally easing the knot of fear no amount of logic had untied. He was safe. Truly safe.

They all were.

From the sofa, Ria smiled at her, Elna sleeping against her chest. But the kings frowned at each other across the nearby table. Had something else happened?

“I’ll meet our armies at the border,” Toren said, shattering the peace that had settled over her.

Safety never lasted, did it?

Mehl leaned forward with a deepening scowl. “Absolutely not. You must remain here with Ria and Elna while I lead the army.”

Tes’s brows drew together. “Did you declare war on Centoi while I was bathing?”

Both men’s gazes darted her way, but there was no hint of guilt in either. A sentiment reflected in Toren’s words. “After King Ryenil attempted to assassinate my daughter? Of course, I did.”

“I can’t blame you for that.” Tes grimaced. “But Ber and I are set to meet Duchess Aony’s army, if you’ll recall. If she must head to the border…”

Toren’s nostrils flared. “My declaration made it clear that my war is with Ryenil and those who support him. Duchess Aony need have no fear unless she fights for your father. Since she’s helping you work against him, the distraction of my armies can only be a benefit.”

“You are not needed for that,” Mehl interjected. “You’re the High King, and—”

“And I will not sit safely here while putting my people in such danger.” Toren gestured toward Ber. “Besides, the closer I am to my brother, the easier it will be to send him energy.”

Mehl blinked. “What?”

Beside Tes, Ber laughed. “I expected you to take longer to consider the possibilities.”

“Surprise,” Toren snapped.

Her husband’s laughter only deepened at his brother’s annoyance, but Mehl appeared no less confused. However, there was understanding in the glance Ria turned the kings’ way. With her magical abilities, she must have felt what had happened with the truth spell.

“As I can use Toren’s energy to transform things,” Ria said in the lull of Ber’s stifled chuckles, “So Prince Ber can use the energy for his own spells. I’m assuming our husband wants to see what else the two of them can do.”

Mehl shook his head. “Then why not see from here? The distance is already vast between the border and the forest where you’ll meet the duchess. And as king, I am able to see to our army. There’s no need for this.”

With an audible sigh, Toren took his husband’s hand. “Beloved. Stop being my bodyguard.Thatis what I don’t need right now.”

As the two men broke into a quiet but fierce debate, Tes looked down at Ber. For once, he sat at ease in his brother’s presence, and a new light danced in his eyes. Hope. Joy. Things she’d never seen Ber show near Toren, not to such a degree. Was it all because of this new ability to use his power?

Or was there something else she didn’t know?

Chapter 44
