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At this point, perhaps it was the raw, anxious feeling keeping her awake now. Goodness knew she had enough reason for her chaotic emotions. Even one of her problems would be enough to disturb a person’s sleep.

She was mid-pace when Ber entered. Wincing, her husband closed the door and then leaned back against it. “Apology not fully accepted?”

“That’s not it.” She ran a frustrated hand through her damp hair. “I think…There’s just too much building inside me. Yes, annoyance, but also worry about the battle to come. The more I try to shove it all away, the worse it becomes.”

His expression softened, and he crossed the distance between them in a few quick strides. “Ah, my love, I think we all share the dread. You’re not alone in that.”

“This is…” Tes scowled. “I feel so uncomfortable, like something is wrong. I believe Halueth and Araxa are on our side, and we did the right thing. No one was injured. And yet…I don’t know. Perhaps itislingering anger.”

Ber pulled her close, and she nestled her face against his neck until his warm voice resounded beneath her ear. “If you’re worried, we will take more care.”

Tes smiled up at him. “Such faith in me.”

“I shouldn’t answer as to the depths of that faith, lest I blasphemy the gods,” he said with a seriousness that belied her light tone.

And she knew without asking what he wanted to say—that he placed more belief in her than in the divine.

“Hush.” She shoved her finger over his lips and prayed the gods weren’t paying attention to his thoughts. “The last thing we need is a wrathful deity or two. Our current challenges are difficult enough.”

Ber tightened his hold, boosting her against him so abruptly that she had to move her hand from his mouth to grip his shoulder. He grinned. “Surely, you can silence me in better ways than that.”

His low chuckle sent fire piercing through her, and for a moment, the opposite mental image stole her breath. Ber taking her mouth, his cock stifling her screams—so good. But it wouldn’t accomplish the current goal. He could cry out anything while she pleasured him.

“Perhaps you should—”Ah, she’d almost said worship. Once again counter to her supposed goal. “You should show your appreciation for my body with your mouth. That should keep it out of trouble.”

Without a word, he strode to the bed and set her on the edge. “The center. No robe.”

Tes shivered at the sudden, sharp command—but she did as he said.

She’d barely stretched out in the center when he wrapped a soft rope around her wrist and tied it to the bedpost. Her brows drew together. “Ber?”

“Relax, my dearest.” He smiled wickedly at her as he bound her ankle to the next bedpost. “I have a feast in mind, and I’d rather there be no disturbances to my meal.”

Had she felt hot before? Now, she absolutely burned. She might need the endurance of the gods to get through this night. But once she did, she would have to thank them.

Each and every deity—by name.

Chapter 47


He hadn’t been joking about wanting plenty of time to feast.

Tes had barely rested from Ber’s first course before he’d started in on the second. Now, he worked her with his tongue at the same time he hooked his fingers just so inside her, sending her over the edge yet again. Another cry rasped from her raw throat. She tried to twist away, the sweet pleasure almost more than she could stand, but the ropes held her well.

How long could she take it? Her thighs already twitched and trembled against his shoulders, and her fingers ached from her grip on the ropes around her wrists. Ber’s gaze flicked to her face, and he grinned wickedly against her core. Then he nudged his fingers up and—ah!Her vision flashed white, and she nearly screamed again.

But no. Even as she rose toward release again, she knew it wasn’t enough.

“Ber,” she groaned. “Stop tormenting me. Please.”

The wicked tilt to his smile only widened. “Very well.”

Then he pulled his fingers free and eased off the bed.

He wouldn’t.

“I would,” Ber said.
