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When he took a step back, she lifted her head to glare at him, but her attention was caught by the sight of his hard cock. Especially when he wrapped his hand around the head and stroked. Was she supposed to look anywhere else? Impossible. He stroked again, and her hips tilted up of their own volition.

A tremor shook her. She’d been so certain she was angry at him earlier, but she couldn’t imagine it with this craving in her blood, rendering her empty and hollow. She needed him—every bit. Nothing would satisfy her but to join fully with him.

“Please,” she pleaded. “I must have you.”

For a moment, she feared that he would ignore the demand, but instead, his expression softened as he reclaimed his place. Then the bed dipped beneath her as he crawled up her body and braced his arms on each side of her head. With his burning gaze fastened on her face, she shivered again. She longed to pull him closer, but a tug against the ropes reminded her why she couldn’t.

“Did you think I would leave you?” Ber asked, his attention shifting to her lips. “I won’t. Not now, and certainly not on some foolish mission like earlier. Whenever you call, I’ll come right back.”

She lifted her hips, but she couldn’t get enough leverage to claim him. “Shut up and take me, Ber.”

With a chuckle, he finally entered her—but slowly. Far too slowly. A whimper escaped her as she tried and failed to lift enough to take more of him in. It was mischief that danced in his eyes now, the kind that made her want to slap him. How could he be having so much fun while sheached?

Then he slammed home with one quick thrust, and once again, her hoarse screams of pleasure rent the air. Intensity replaced the amusement on his face as their bodies crashed together in an endless dance. But his touch was tender as hebrushed her hair from her face and then trailed his fingers along her neck.

He traced the tip of one nipple, and she whimpered with longing. Her breasts were still sensitive, but her milk had surely dried up. “Try,” she said.

“I don’t want…” He sucked in a breath. “To hurt you.”

Tes arched her back. “Just be careful.”

Although he hesitated, he finally ventured a gentle pinch, and pleasure exploded in her blood. “Gods, yes.”

Frantically, she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. So close. But then he pinched her nipple harder, and pain surged along with the pleasure. At her yelp, Ber jerked his hand away, his pace slowing until she thought she might die. The pain had been a shock, but not enough of one to turn back from the precipice.

“Don’t stop,” she gasped.

“I hurt you,” he growled.

“Mostly surprised.” Tes circled her hips and smiled at his strained gasp. “Be gentler if you must, but don’t stop.”

Thankfully for them both, he took her at her word. His free hand returned to stroking her, including light caresses across her breast. More teasing than before, but she didn’t care. It was enough now. More than enough. She exploded around him, her body going taut from pleasure, at the same time Ber slammed deep and stiffened with his own shout of release.

And for once, her mind was beautifully blank.

Ber nearly collapsedover Tes before he remembered that she was bound and would be helpless beneath his weight. His mind a satiated haze, he undid the knots at her wrists with shaking fingers, but he couldn’t bear to leave her long enough to undothe rest. So with a flex of the power he had stored, he released the knots around her ankles.

She released a breathy laugh. “You’re getting good at magic.”

“Maybe,” he said, kissing the tip of her nose in an impulsive gesture.

Her chuckle spun around them as he rolled over, draping her over him even though they were still joined. She squeezed her knees around his waist, but she relaxed against his chest. Her soft breath against his neck made him shiver—and sent a bolt of renewed interest straight to his cock. Not enough to make him fully hard, but enough that his wife lifted herself free and nestled her body against his side.

“I need to rest,” she said, her breath now tormenting his nipple.

A temptation, but the tired note in her voice stifled that with worry. “Are you unwell?”

She shook her head gently. “Only tired. We did a great deal in one day, including training. And I’m not complaining, but I’m a little sore after so many hours of pleasure.”

Her breath made his nipple pucker more with each word, but the combination of that and her words only reminded him of another cause for concern. Frowning, he swept his thumb over the side of her breast. “I’m unhappy that I hurt you. I’ll not do it again until your milk has fully dried up.”

“No!” She nipped lightly at his chest, and he flinched in surprise. “It wasn’t that much of a problem. The increase in pleasure was worth any hint of pain.”


Tes smiled up at him for a moment before cuddling closer again. “Thank you for worrying over me, but it’s fine. If it’ll make you feel better, I’ll check with the healer. She might be able to tell me how much longer it will take for my milk to be gone.”

He started to ask her if she’d inquired about the process before, but his wife closed her eyes…and fell straight to sleep. He blinked down at her, his frown deepening like the well of dread being dug in his stomach. Would she hide an illness from him? Sickness was rare for their kind, but it wasn’t unheard of.
