Page 37 of Sovereign

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My head spins. Maybe Gerard Sovereign should consider being a relationship therapist. Kinkiness aside, these sound like pretty good communication rules.

I take a sip of coffee and glance up. I’m sitting at his desk in his room, overlooking the lake. I took the painted mare from the bathroom and now she’s sitting on the corner of the desk, watching me. There was a light fall of snow last night and Gerard is out breaking the ice on the animal’s water. He promised to return for breakfast after handing me a coffee and the contract and ordering me to sit and read it.

I flip the page.

Punishment includes spanking over the dominant’s lap with a hand or implement. The submissive may not fight or speak unless a safeword is needed.

My breasts tingle. My mind drifts back to the way his hand feels…so big and rough. I have a feeling being spanked with that palm would hurt like hell in the best way.

Other punishment includes delayed gratification, and other safe, agreed upon methods of implementing pain or humiliation.

The dominant will never publicly humiliate or verbally punish the submissive in front of another person. All punishments are to be strictly private.

I have to take another break to focus my attention back out the window. I hear distant laughter and the steady clank of machinery behind the barn. The ranch is operating with perfect efficiency. Now I realize why that is.

Gerard has an attention to detail that amazes me. He’s thought through this contract and written up clauses for everything. As someone that struggles not to be messy and chaotic, I’m impressed.

My eyes return to the contract and shift to the next section. This one is labeled DAILY TASKS, ETC.

The dominant will pick the submissive’s bra and panties the night before and they will be worn. Failure to abide by this will result in punishment.

The submissive will offer herself to the dominant each night before bed.

The submissive agrees to free use.

The submissive will take care of herself reasonably by eating well, exercising, bathing, and wearing proper clothes.

I’m not sure how I feel about that last part. I flip the page and there's a section called FINANCIAL before me.

The dominant will provide the submissive as much money as needed or desired.

The submissive will never conflate sex and financial compensation. Nor will the dominant.

The submissive will not pay for anything during their time in the contract. When money is needed, the submissive will request it from the dominant.

Hold up…does that mean I won’t have my own money? I narrow my eyes and run them over that last line again. Then I grab a highlighter from his desk and swipe it over those words.

Behind me, the door opens and I hear his heavy boots on the floor. My hand shoots out and pushes the mare out of sight. I turn and he’s standing by the door, his pale eyes washed out in the light from the window.

He looks so good it makes my heart patter against my ribs.

I clear my throat.

“Interesting contract,” I say. “What’s free use?”

He shuts the door and walks over to me. I’m sitting down and he’s so tall that I’m eye level with his lower stomach. My eyes drop and I can see the faint rise of his groin. Even soft, I can still make out a hint of the monster in his pants.

His fingers slide under my chin. Tilting it up.

“If I walked up to you right now,” he says. “Took my cock out and fucked your mouth until I came and then went down to breakfast…that would be one example.”

My jaw drops. He slides his thumb up and between my lips. The taste of soap and the feeling of his rough skin fill my mouth.

My pussy aches. He runs his thumb over my tongue in a slow circle. His eyes are glued to my lips and there’s a flush at the base of his throat. I like this feeling of being used as he gently strokes the inside of my mouth. Petting me like I’m nothing but a toy here for his pleasure.

Is this what I could feel like if I sign that contract?

He thrusts with his thumb and I feel saliva slip down my chin. It’s humiliating, but I keep perfectly still. I don’t even move my eyes from his face to see if he’s fully hard.
