Page 21 of Kiss To Tempt

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“Well, I’m done with your bullshit.”

“Maybe she just got scared?”

“Of what?” Ashton asks. “His little dick?”

My jaw clenches as I glare at him.

“Okay, okay.” Ashton lifts his arms in the air in defense. “Your dick is perfect.”

Nate shakes his head. “I can’t believe she ghosted you.”

You and me both, buddy. You and me both.

“Maybe she just needs time to process?” Ashton shrugs. “After all, she did just break up with her boyfriend. How long has she been dating him, anyway?”

For as long as I was going toBright Haven.Possiblylonger.

I run my fingers through my hair, letting out a sigh. “I don’t know.”

“Chill,” he slaps me on the shoulder. “Things will work out. You’ll see.”

“She can’t avoid you forever.”

I guess he’s right about that.

Either way, she won’t be able to hide for long because come Tuesday, I’ll be back at the center, and there’ll be no more avoiding me.

* * *


“So you can’t come in today?” I ask, rubbing at my temples. Not even a shower and Tylenol have helped dull the headache building behind my temples, and now this?

Can anything else go wrong?

“I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m all booked today. I could come tomorrow.Maybe. I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

I run my fingers through my hair, pushing it out of my face.

Amazing. Just… Amazing.

“Miss?” the man asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Will that be okay? Or do you want to try calling somebody else?”

“No, that’s fine.”

I don’t bother telling him I’ve already called all the other plumbers in the area, and they’re all busy and can’t come until later this week. Like seriously, what is happening? Is all of Blairwood drowning or something? Instead of demanding some kind of explanation, I give him my number so he can call me if something changes and hang up.

“Just what I needed, more mess,” I mutter to myself.

“What mess?”

The new voice startles me so much I jump slightly. My head snaps up, my hand covering my racing heart as my eyes land on Quinn.

“Don’t do that!” I chastise, my voice breathy. “You scared the crap out of me.”

Quinn rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry, didn’t realize you hadn’t heard me enter.”

“I was talking on the phone.”
