Page 127 of Inspiring Izzy

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But now that I don't have to, what do I want to do with my life? What dreams do I want to chase?

Brady pushes into me and every frantic question spiraling through my mind vanishes. Every thought other than his body molding to mine dissipates into thin air and I focus on the feel of his soft skin against mine.

He moves slowly on top of me. Long, languid strokes that curl my toes and make my heart pound.

"I love you," he whispers in the quiet dark. "I've never stopped loving you."

The world and all of its worries seem so small in comparison, doesn't it? This. This is all I've ever wanted. All I've ever dreamed of.

A life with Brady.

Chapter 32

A sudden, unexpected blizzard covered the mountain in six feet of snow. So, New Year's plans were canceled and our end of the party for Cohen Industries—aka the resort and tech company—was rescheduled for the following week.

I don't think Brady's taken so much as a day off in the past ten years. He struggled, at first, to sit around in pajamas, sipping hot cocoa, and relaxing by the warm fireplace. He did better when we went outside to build snowmen as big, fat, fluffy snowflakes fell from the sky.

And late at night, when the house was silent, we'd spend hours naked beneath the sheets.

Even though most of the Thompsons were around, it still felt like a honeymoon.

"You ready?" Brady asks me as he fixes his bowtie in the bathroom mirror.

I gaze at him as I lean my hip against the doorframe. "You're so handsome."

He gives me a breathtaking smile. "You're so beautiful."

"Any word from the board yet?" I nervously chew on my lower lip.

"Um..." he clears his throat, "a few reached out to me and told me they've received some heated emails from Angie."

"Really?" I inhale sharply. "I just...I thought she was your friend."

Brady shrugs. "When people don't get their way, their true colors show, Iz."

"All of this because we weredoing itin your office?" I shake my head. "Seems so..."


"Yeah," I reply.

Brady runs a comb through his hair. "Most of the board wants to dismiss it, but she's threatening legal action. Borden, one of the old guys, told me I need to buy her out."

"Can you do that?"

"Yeah, it's written into our contract that if either partner wants to terminate our business relationship, we have to give 30 days written notice," he exhales.

"It's that easy?"

"I already sent the email, Iz," he turns to face me.

"You did?"

"I was going to talk to you about it first," Brady steps forward, "but I knew you didn't want Angie to lose her job."

"I don't want anyone to," I honestly tell him.

"Here's the thing," he rubs his hands up and down my bare arms, "I'm not willing to risk anything hurting our relationship. Especially not another woman. Not again. This was a decision I made on my own because I know what I want. I want you."
