Page 131 of Inspiring Izzy

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"She's here tonight," Andre warns. "I'd keep my distance. She's been drinking."

"I will keep that in mind."

Andre saunters away, his shoulders slumped. Why is he here? Why did he show up at his estranged wife's holiday work party?

"What did he say?" Angie approaches me from the side.

I exhale heavily. "He just said congratulations."

"Have you found a new job yet?" Angie's tone is even.

"No," I answer.

"I told you," she clicks her tongue. "I told you to stay away from him."

I don't know what to say, so I say nothing.

"You'll never make him happy," she tries. "You come from two different worlds."

"And those worlds are?" I raise a curious eyebrow as my stomach starts turning.

"Brady works incredibly hard and you, you—"

"Don't?" I suggest.

"You know what I mean, Izzy."

"No," I shake my head. "I really don't."

"He's built this business from scratch. He's nurtured it and helped it grow. He understands how much work it takes to grow something like this into what it is now," Angie argues.

"I, too, have nurtured something and helped it grow," I bite my lip, wondering why my palms are sweating so badly.

"You look pale," Angie fake pouts. "Are you feeling OK?"

I shake my head as my stomach gurgles. Oh, no! I'm going to be sick.

I push around Angie and make a beeline from the restrooms. As I throw the door open, my head is pounding.

I dry heave over the toilet before bile finally expels itself.

"Iz?" Brady's voice echoes through the bathroom.

"Here," I weakly get out as I take deep breaths.

"What's wrong?" he bends down behind me and rubs my back.

"I think I'm sick."

Chapter 33

"Are you feeling any better?" Brady asks me as he presses a cold washcloth to my forehead.

I shake my head. "Still feeling queasy. And exhausted."

"Maybe you're coming down with something," he offers.

"I think I need to take a pregnancy test, Brady."
