Page 137 of Inspiring Izzy

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"We are going to talk to Angie," Brady licks his lips.

"What do you meanwe?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

Brady shifts in his seat to face me. "We are a team. I'm not walking in there without my other half."

"When I suggested you talk to her," I run a hand over my face, "I meantalone."

"The only woman I want to be alone with isyou," he tilts his head to the side.

I hear what he doesn't say. There's no way he's walking in there to confront Angie without me by his side. There's no way he's willing to bank his reputation or our relationship on anything she might say or do without witnesses around.

"If we do this together," I breathe deeply, "she's going to think we're ganging up on her."

"She can think whatever she wants," Brady hitches his shoulder. "I'm not going in there without you."

Taking a deep breath, I unbuckle my seatbelt. Someone once told me the fastest way to make enemies is to marry a rich man. I guess they weren't lying.

There are only a few patrons in the restaurant when we enter. Angie lifts her head from a booth in the back, her dark hair curling around her shoulders. I can't read the look on her face, but by the way Brady grabs my hand, I'm guessing it's not good.

"What are you doing here?" Angie ignores me and addresses Brady.

"Iz reminded me that we have been friends for a long time," he begins. Angie scoffs and rolls her eyes. "And that we've been business partners for almost a decade."

Angie sits back in the booth and crosses her arms over her chest. "And?"

Brady glances at me before looking back at Angie. "I didn't know how you felt. If I had known, nothing would have ever happened. I've been in love with Iz for 12 years. I've been in love with her since the first moment I saw her. There's never been anyone else for me. Even when I fucked it up because I was too scared to tell Maya the truth."

"Why are you telling me this?" Angie swallows hard.

"I would like to continue to work together," Brady says. "But only if you can respect my relationship."

Angie chews on her lower lip. "I've spent so many years focused on you. So many years building up your dreams because I thought it was the only way I could have you in my life. Andre...that was...I never thought I might love him, too. I never thought it was possible to love two people at once. If I had the choice, it would have been you."

I shift uncomfortably beside Brady, wondering if my being here is really necessary. But then Brady squeezes my hand and I know I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing it for him.

"What are you saying, Ang?"

Angie tilts her head to the side. "Andre loves me. I...I've been so wrapped up in you that I haven't given him the...the best parts of me. I don't want to work together anymore."

My heart pounds in my chest as she shrugs.

"Are we still friends?" Brady asks.

She takes a moment to answer. "I think we'll always be friends. But we're just going in different directions."

"I've already started the process of buying you out," Brady says.

"I know," Angie frowns. "Thank you."

"Well," Brady exhales, "we'll leave you to it."

I wait for Angie to look at me—to acknowledge me—but she doesn't.

Brady releases my hand and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "We'll see you around, Angie."

As we turn, I hear Angie call my name.

When I glance over my shoulder, she's smiling. "Good luck."
